Anonymous ID: a17fd3 Oct. 5, 2018, 11:04 p.m. No.3360341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0387


"53-47" wasn't necessarily what the vote WILL be. I interpreted it to mean the votes that were already pledged before they reopened the FBI background check. Q did say that they had the votes. It wouldn't surprise me if he is confirmed tomorrow by a slightly different vote tally.

Anonymous ID: a17fd3 Oct. 5, 2018, 11:26 p.m. No.3360536   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Forbidden City is though to have been the location of a secret meeting between Trump and KJU long before they met again in Singapore for the dog-and-pony show for the news media.

Anonymous ID: a17fd3 Oct. 5, 2018, 11:55 p.m. No.3360730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0749


ACB seems like an obvious choice for the next one. But I wouldn't be surprised if Trump picks some else. The (((other side))) has also been aware that she is likely on deck. And they will already have done extensive oppo research and have well developed schemes to try to block her. It may make sense for Trump to do something less expected.

Anonymous ID: a17fd3 Oct. 6, 2018, 12:06 a.m. No.3360831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0924


I don't think the square brackets were meant as kill-boxes in this context

It means that force (ie: a military coup) is no longer needed. They can now do everything within the confines of the law and will not have to violate the Constitution.

Sometimes Q uses square brackets when he really ought to be using parenthesis.