Anons, is there any video example out there showing how Dr Ford normally acts? (e.g. when she's not putting on a show, perhaps while giving a lecture or whatever she does)
Could be interesting
Anons, is there any video example out there showing how Dr Ford normally acts? (e.g. when she's not putting on a show, perhaps while giving a lecture or whatever she does)
Could be interesting
Disappointing. This is as much as I've found so far on her past - seemingly a study CBF (credited as Christine Blasey) was involved with was mentioned in this psychology-related document:
Yeah, she seems to like stats. I did see that book.
No thanks, we don't want her. POTUS is friendly with Kim Jong-un these days, perhaps he could arrange a nice 'working vacation' for her over there or their prime real estate in Siberia
That's what I was wondering..
It's the same hegelian bullshit as always. Right-Left, Good-Evil, Black-White, US-Russia/China, Us-Them. Meanwhile the Roths etc like to fund both sides of wars.
Would love to, but non-US
The liberals are mad now, just imagine the tantrum they would throw if that happened.. but then again, they're cowards, so I doubt they would directly confront armed feds/police/military