Who the fuck are you talking about, Q?
In case you haven't been paying attention, the biggest threats/enemies to the United States aren't foreigners, it's a segment of it's own citizens. China and others haven't done a fraction of the damage that the enemies within our gates have done. So, when you spout-off this kumbaya-bullshit about "unity" and not being "divided", just what the fuck are you talking about? WE WANT TO BE DIVIDED FROM THESE PEOPLE! ISN'T IT CLEAR TO YOU??? We have been calling for our nation's leaders to "LOCK THEM UP", to divide us from them for quite some time, to no avail, as well. Meanwhile, our nations leaders pretend to be def to our people's wishes.
YOU ARE WRONG on this, Q. There are traitors in our midst, and as much as you want to convince these lemmings that "we are control", you are not and you know it. If you ARE in control, then should I hold you responsible for what is happening to my child? Didn't think so… So, tell the truth or tell us nothing at all, you grandiose, blow-hard.
United, WE ARE COMPROMISED. Divided, we make clear which side we are on… the side of GOOD and not evil.
Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” - 1 Corinthians 15:33