Dems with a sense of right and wrong, concern for this country, and/or a functioning brain need to speak up and say the policies of the radical Dem leaders are not the policies they believe in. Do they really want to live in the society Schumer, Pelosi, Waters, Feinstein, Ellison, Ocasio etc. are trying to create? Is vitriol and violence the legacy they want to leave for their children and grandchildren. Their silence and obedience to ridiculous orders is what allows the Dem leaders to become more and more unhinged. If they are being blackmailed or threatened, they should say so and expose their controllers as the thugs they are. Same for controlled Reps.
Sheila Jackson Lee's intern is in jail and facing 50 years in prison. That is a good start on arrests. Let's keep it going.
And guise don't you wonder if the stuff Lee gave to Dr. Ford's attorney was legal or illegal.
Wow! Being opposed by ADL is the best endorsement for Kavanaugh I have seen. Proof positive BK is a great choice for SC.
Second best endorsement is the asshats at ABA reconsidering their rating of him as a judge. Says nothing bad about him and volumes about possible corruption and payoffs going on in the ABA national office.