These are the new sealed indictment state total list, and maps, from the updated sealed indictment list for End of September, by stormwatcher.( first pic)
>>3361790 pb
made these from one of your pics, for quick keks.
Trump family portrait, 1915; L to R: Fred, his father Frederick, sister Elizabeth, mother Elizabeth, and brother John
i made the lists from the numbers on his sealed indictment list( the newest one put out at end of September) I made these lists/maps last month too.
I could have made an error in my calculations, feel free to check.
I double checked as i went.
On his list there is only grand total, so wanted a visual of state totals and district totals. I have the district ones in plain lists.
then i added those districts within each state for state totals.
Also some regular cases not part of storm, could have been sealed, and unsealed.
So totals are semi estimates.( since 1,000 per year are normal, possible , real number is at 54,500 or so because of cases being unsealed for other criminals) if you want to get technical, kek
do you have the plain picture of them dining with Rothschild?
look at the witches eyes in first pic and fingers in second, kek
Thank you very much