Baker is a program that exists outside of public domain.
Hats tipped baker.
Baker is a program that exists outside of public domain.
Hats tipped baker.
15 UID's I feel like maybe 15 actual humans.
We will never forget. We will never unify with any structure that believe in the manipulation of its populace.
We can ally any we choose.
Psy-op warfare is training. It's actually OK to engage them to some extent as long as you are learning tactics. The whole thing that they get paid by [you]'s is a falsehood started by them so they can post and breadshit all day long.
It's really war. It's citizens vs. paid fucking shitbags.
Divisionfag is a queer concernfag. Understand that we all know there is rampant corruption… spygate etc. is mainstream now. We are all getting a little antsy for some PAIN and ARRESTS.
Q made the promise. I don't believe in faith but certainty. In this one case I'm gunna try faith.
I wanna see these fuckers hang.
I just watched them laughing at our vet.
I thank you for your service soldier.
These people are sick.
Replying twice cuz so fucked. Q proof. Q… fucking address this shit. That's a fucking Q proof.
We're not Republicans if that's what you think.
Fuck your OUR GUY bullshit lingo. We are patriots loyal to our Republic. Fuck parties. Fuck division.
You've been a shill the whole time.
I'll explain to others: Shills always project negative energy. They NEVER project positive energy.
They are so easy to spot once you know that simple fact.
We are loyal to our Republic. We believe in purifying our country from being influenced by outside forces. We want the best possible for our family and children.
Anon. That's called taking your eye off the ball. The real players… the glass bead game players on a global level… care nothing about this confirmation.
DECLAS will cause a domino to fall… The real power players do NOT want the people to regain control of our Republic.
This is our last chance without force.
It's the communist playbook.
We have to develop our psychological character to be immune to their shit. MASSESS are buying into their bullshit.
Q, real or not, is a deeply flawed group of beings. As we all are.
America is the last fucking stand in the world against authoritarianism. If we fall the fucking world falls. Everyone else, even our 5-eyes allies, are completely comped at this point.
It's us or nothing left. People need to fight. Common Sense.
All authoritarianism is wrong. Communist, Fascist, Globalist.
Only a recognition of individualism and an understanding that not one human ever equals another will lead to unity. We are united by no race, creed, culture, socio-economic class, and so on. Nor will we ever be.
There is no equality and there will never be.
We can, however, expand consciousness to the limit of possibility. We can decide to never initiate force on one another. It's all neural programming and choosing what we decide to participate in.
Anon I dig your crazy bullshit.
It's not ONE cabal though. It's multiple (LOTS) of global power players interacting, cross-seminating, and vying for control.
No cabal definition is needed cuz its SHITTONS of cabals.
Some bigger some lesser. Q called out Saudi's, Roth's, and Soros. For example.
There are deeper players who never let their face be seen on the game board. Soros is amateur hour compared to high level players.
If I was the NSA: Here is what I would do.
Have unlimited capacity to understand every financial transaction on earth.
Have resources to de-abstract shell structures which are the names on those financial transactions.
If the US wasn't committing global crimes against our neighbors, we'd be at war already. Humans are too easily corrupted. Belief in the ideal of the Republic is a task for those who are Philosophers… not statesmen and military officers.
This is why Plato said the Republic will fall without a Philosopher King.
"This freedom of speech" yadda yadda "should be about" yadda yadda.
Fuck you nigger kike fag spic cunt.
What freedom of speech is about is that NO ONE IS EQUAL. If you want to be a reasonable debater, informer, etc. DO IT.
We're not gunna hold your hand. Just fucking do it. And most of us will love you for it. Scroll by the rest if you don't like it.
Those who seek wisdom have no need for power.
Those who pursue power, never find wisdom.
It's the universal truth of the global power play.
Without sauce I think (If I remember right)
Saudi = 4 bil
Roths = 2 bil
Soros = 1 bil
Nothing on that level is slouch.
Let's say Qteam is REAL. Military? Intel? These are people who are plebs like us, not multi B global power players. WE THE PEOPLE.
There are anons who may be smarter than Q and several agencies. Emotional intelligence can't be quantified in the same sense a math function can.
Embrace the free market.
Q is complicit in this bullshit. If you have bitchute ro, or gab, or minds, or anything. WE THE PEOPLE have to vote with our feet.
This is the original ideal of the American Republic. If you don't like the bullshit in a state… move.
You don't like facebook? is open source.
All social media will become open source. Watch.
If I can have an open source OS, apps, and so-on…. Why can't my journalism newsfeeds be open source?
Are you following anons? Why they keep it closed? All we have to do is invent the platform that is open source… and force their narrative into the light.
This is a 15 year project.
Q isn't a person. False comparison.
"There are anons who may be smarter than Q"
And by Q I meant Qteam.
You aren't in the wildcard for this game.
If you want I can help you with some reading though.
Do you want me to spend energy on you?
Remember the fundamental rule: people projecting negative energy are almost always shills. The occasional fuck off faggot notwithstanding.
Your post history is 100% negative.
Do you have any positive thing to say about America? Your ideals? Anything?