The 144,000 are here. Many on this board. Who’d have thought it would be like this, and so much fun?
They loved not there lives until death (You), and they overcame “the world”, which is this mass of lies that has covered the earth. (Them). Freedom imminent.
Yes. They all die. No, dumbass, they all made a choice that their fellow men, and what they were fighting for was worth risking their lives. (Evidently not you).
There are no coincidences. Kek!
It will be the funnest time you’ve ever experienced. If you’re here, and you’ve been here, it will be glorious. The 144,000 also here, are here for you guys, and they love your dark humor, your authentic selves. They are the last ones you should be wary of. If they’re rejected by anyone, it’ll be the “churchy” people. Just like Jesus was. Suit up fren, the time of your life is around the corner. Justice wins.