He said that to Peter, not Paul. It also has nothing to do with letting beasts loose. https://www.gotquestions.org/binding-loosing.html
The first thing I thought when I saw the pics of those two was that Bill looks a bit healthier - must have spent a week or so hooked up to a baby via IV.
There was also that Q post saying that MSM will turn on their masters
It's God that restrains man's evil. If that wasn't the case, we wouldn't even have the dysfunctional society we have. No laws, no justice whatsoever. People killing as the animals do. It's only by God's grace and mercy that this world has even this little bit of sanity.
In a way. In the beginning, God dwelt with man in Eden. After the fall, man could not live in the presence of a purely holy God, so this changed. The end game is to reconcile God and His people, living forever on a renewed, uncorrupted earth. As for the binding and loosing, I would say that it's decided from the top down, i.e. nothing the apostles allow or disallow would be different from God's standards anyway.
It's no deflection, it's the truth. The world is evil to the core because humanity decided against trusting in God and took knowledge and moral responsibility for themselves. There are definitely people who say they're Christians and do bad things, but the Bible itself says you'll know a bad tree by the fact that it produces bad fruit. Sadly, these types of people give Christians a bad name. There are so many avenues of deception being used to keep people from being reconciled to God, and so many people fall for each of them.
I would hope you stop following the ways of the world, the ways promoted by the people we're fighting against. I really do. If there's no God and we're all merely animals, why does it matter what one animal does to another? Nature doesn't care. But we're more than that. We're made in the very image of our Creator, and He wants you to know that. Anyway, enjoy the confirmation, I'm sure it'll be a good show!