Anonymous ID: d7e2ea Oct. 6, 2018, 6:47 a.m. No.3363006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3049


I just woke up. Took one sip of my covfefe and im here to tell you that if there is anythong that i can do to help, i will. I may not be a lawfag or anything, but i have integrity!. Geogianon here. Ill help anyway i can. I'll make phonecalls, ill go get you guys lunch, go on covfefe runs, I can file shit ( ive plenty of OCD, or should i say CDO, it must be in alphabetical order.kek). I'm in! However I can help. Anons can count on me. America can count on me. Just like i know i can trust and count on my fellow anons… When that call to duty comes in, we've got one of us on standby in the great state of GA!


Power to the people!

We The People

Anonymous ID: d7e2ea Oct. 6, 2018, 6:56 a.m. No.3363083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3279


Kavanaugh conformation 100%

Kemp on Nov 6th 100%, 2 votes from my house. Ill drive anyone to the polls if need be.

Meanwhile I'll dig, meme, and pray. When I'm needed beyond that, just let me know.


On standby