For those so inclined: PATRIOT ASTROLOGY
The new moon in Libra is 10/8/2018 just before midnight EDT.. This new moon is 15 degrees of LIBRA at the tipping point of the scales. The USA natal Saturn is also at the tipping point of the scales at 14 degrees of Libra and is exalted in Libra. Oh and this is on the Monday after the Kavanaugh confirmation vote. A new moon sets the tone for the lunar month so that day is the beginning of something which is maxed out energetically around the full moon on October 24th.
Saturn in Libra being exalted there and at the tipping point of the scales of Justice is exactly what the country is founded on. It is a KNOWN the founding fathers were masons and it is a known the masons have at least some knowledge of astrology.. Did they pick July 4th 1776 to place Saturn in that degree? I don't believe in coincidence. Mason is a dirty word to many people but not me. I would be a mason except for one thing.. I don't do secrets or Vows of secrecy. Hahahaha.. I have no idea why such a thing is so repulsive to me personally except for one thing.. I also have my natal Saturn in Libra to within 1 quarter degree of the USA Saturn. I do know that the masons take a vow which allows for the karma free execution of the leaker. Secret societies do NOT like me. Had I taken a vow of secrecy I would be vulnerable but I have not done so.
The center degree of Libra at the tipping point in the weighing of the heart according to Egyptian religious practice. That is when the dead come to weigh their hearts against the feather of Truth. If the heart is heavy the soul is not allowed to proceed to afterlife.
In later kingdoms there is art containing a picture of one of the gods pulling on the feather side of the scales to balance the scales so the soul could pass the test and in return the soul has to PAY. In other words the process had been corrupted.
I see this Monday as a day either the scales are being tipped by a hidden hand or allowed to tell the truth.
The next few days determines the fate of the nation. If justice is being served or not.