I don't give HuffPost clicks, would ya please capture the 12 suggestions please? OMG this is unreal.
You all think there could be a mass suicide. Remember the chanting hypnotizing activists?
I don't give HuffPost clicks, would ya please capture the 12 suggestions please? OMG this is unreal.
You all think there could be a mass suicide. Remember the chanting hypnotizing activists?
I'd just change it to Labels divide us….evil finds every label in the book to try to deflect.
ThankQ very much :)
On the HuffPo article I hope they really do the #3 social media breather. Delete apps and what not. Huff knows what's making them crazy…programming!!!
Here's some music to research by…the video is fun
SEPULTURA rules, hope yall like.
Tipping some Sierra Nevadas for Justice Kav today…early but hey it's Saturday, I'm needing comfy.
Captcha kills me sometimes, I legit can't read it and go through it 30 times, especially after Kavanaughing
I hope it catches on kek
Another appropriate Sepultura tune for researching by
They are oh so original…they should be chanting BAH BAH BAH….be a hero right?
Damn off topic, but I forgot Keanu was in Point Break with Swayze…damn that pic takes me BACK
Clowns just shut down my WiFi…what was the Sepultura BIOTECH IS GODZILLA video trigger it? kek.
Bite me divisive CLOWNS