going over the moves,I've played chess for years,that's a tricky one, i would try to get that white bishop to get in line with the black pawn to left of king, then it would be checkmate with the white queen as backup
looks like you would still need at least two moves if that was the case
king takes out queen,no check
The only way is to uninsulate the king and rearrange your corner,you can try to use the bishop with queen or rook to check,it's a tricky one for sure
now i feel like playing chess
leave the black queen there if possible , and try to use the white bishop on the white square in the kings place to protect the white queen going up and taking the black pawn out, if you use the white bishop to take the black pawn out, the king will move right and still no check, the queen can move to both squares the king has to move to and bishop will protect queen from the king taking her
sauce please,looks interesting,def related