>>3364793 (pb)
Men put up with women only because men occassionally want a piece of ass. Women put up with men only because they want whatever they think they can get from the man (cash, kind, or other). The 1950s Amertican TV nuclear family stereotype is nice, but even back then no family was ever really like that. Most women are bitches. Most men are bitches too. The samevanity that brings them together is the very thing that eventually pulls most of theirso-called relationships apart.
The trick that Satan played on Adam and Eve in Eden is the same one he's playing on both genders today. Women always want stuff and will do anything to manipulate men into helping them to get it, and when shit goes wrong the woman will always say its the man's fault. And men always want a piece of pussy so they will always be manipulated by women.
But I digress because none of this has anything to do with Q research.