After listening to Pence talk about China yesterday, and having pieced together all the information Q has dropped/I've learned about our country, it terrified me to my core. The Chinese were so close to taking over America and had Hillary won they would've invaded us and killed everyone. The death and annilation of everything we would've known would have also been funded by US tax payers.
It makes me sick knowing this, and it makes it worse when you're witnessing your fellow American people fight towards their own destruction by obstructing anything the good guys are attempting to do.
I'm just a patriot who believes he somewhat understands the plans they had laid out for us and it weighs heavy on my soul. The Patriots who know the full extent of this evil must have had to carry a heavy burden on their shoulders awaiting the time to put in motion a plan to save the world. God bless them, I can't imagine what they have been through. Those who know, truly can't sleep.