Anonymous ID: f876a0 Oct. 6, 2018, 9:42 a.m. No.3364933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4998 >>5198 >>5553


Chinese grad students at major university bio labs ... banding together ... peer reviewing one another's not-so-great research ... getting the grants ... getting the funding ... using the "in" to spy on other researchers' work and take it back to China ... stealing others' data and claiming it as their own ... grabbing others' ideas without giving credit, calling them their own ... rising up the academic pyramid ... learning to "work the system" ... all for the benefit of China ...

American researchers, grad students, post-docs, heads of labs ... so naive, letting their work be stolen, even when aware, unable to throttle the intellectual property theft out of their labs ...

Bio labs in China doing all kinds of "research" that the west considers unethical, esp. gene splicing, biowarfare experiments, etc.

The MAJORITY of individuals in major U.S. university bio labs Chinese? Dominance of bio research by Chinese?

Yank their visas?

Houston we have a problem.

A gigantic problem.