Anonymous ID: 97c2d8 Oct. 6, 2018, 11:13 a.m. No.3366112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6128 >>6155 >>6251 >>6305

Here is how the wave has changed in the wake of Kavanaugh. The ends of the spectrum while even more fired up is just as likely to vote as before Kavanaugh. The screeching pink hat crowd is livid, while POTUS supporters/anons/patriots are jubilant. This really doesn't change the vote much. Nobody in the fringes had their minds changed, nor did the likelihood of their voting change.


But we need to remind ourselves that most Americans are somewhere in the middle and less engaged. And comprising the middle is yet another spectrum…that's where the red wave happens. While the screechers refuse to see the Dems for what they are, even when hit in the face with the obvious, the BIG MIDDLE now sees it for exactly what it is.


This has caused a shift where those in the slight left are moving to the middle. Those in the middle are moving right. Over the course of the next 30 days, as more and more is revealed and/or DECLAS, this will become more pronounced.


The BIG MIDDLE is where are work as anons needs to be focused. Don't waste your time on the blue fringe.


And remember, the BIG MIDDLE voted Trump in, and is bigger than both fringes combined.