Anonymous ID: 075c4d Oct. 6, 2018, 12:08 p.m. No.3366867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6994

>>3365126 pb


"Skyfall" same motif as "Alladin"

Movie opened 23 October 2012 in London

"Triva" The "Home Office" in London had to release a specific disclaimer claiming the Spys didn't do the stuff like in this movie, but were ordinary [simple honest?] people

Wiki is not 100% but it will give you good info when they think it won't matter. And yes,, they release a lot, if only people could put it all together.

"A few days after the film debuted in Britain, the real MI6, the Secret Intelligence Service (S.I.S.), took out a full page advertisement in "The Times" and "The Sunday Times" running with the headline, "If the qualities that make a good spy were obvious, they wouldn't make a very good spy." The aim of the ad was to debunk the legend and mythology associated with film fiction spies, like James Bond in this movie, saying that real-life spy work is not "high-speed chases and shoot-outs", an average spy is not a "globe-trotting Secret Agent" and that psychological profiles of real-life Agents show that they are actually "far more ordinary". The ad also dismisses the white male spy stereotype, saying that "the truth is, we don't care what sex you are, or where you're from, as long as you're a British national." The humorous advertising campaign is considered one of MI6's most open ever recruitment drives. But in true espionage fashion, the ad still warns of utmost secrecy and strict confidentiality, advising potential candidates that they cannot disclose that they are making an application to anyone."

I always assumed the spy agencies had to ask you, not the other way around. Otherwise, how could they tell you weren't a double spy?

Anonymous ID: 075c4d Oct. 6, 2018, 12:26 p.m. No.3367192   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3366870 pb

Writer doesn't say Jews try to divide us. Don't mis-characterize.

If you read it you will see that he states we are divided and doesn't give a reason.

Kubrickina is chiding Schultz for being too open

Newsweek calls the Justice committee "Leahy's committee"

They really are living in the past , aren't they?

I can't stand the tone of NYTimes, Wapo and Newsweek.

They must learn that boring "style" at the "Farm?"

They must think it sounds reputable. It doesn't

Newsweek claims , thru surrogate Leahy, that Kavanaugh is a liar.

Well if he's a liar , why didn't Leahy bring forward the evidence?

There was plenty of time.

And when Leahy spoke at the hearing he was mumbling and slurring and made no sense. All I could make out was that he was insinuating that K was a Liar.

Why insinuate? Why not just say it and prove right out?

Probably because Leahys lying and he's a drunk.

Leahy also disputes that he's a drunk - according to Newsweek, since Pres. Donald Trump called him one.

Have you ever known a drunk to admit it, before they joined AA?

You can't plausibly deny you are a drunk unless your a teetotaler/

So to everyone who is accused of being a drunk I just say

" tell them that you are one, And so what? "

The denial gives it away.

Lets have a drink to Kav and beer. !