Anonymous ID: 380a2f Oct. 6, 2018, 12:18 p.m. No.3367043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7065

>>3364916 (pb)

Before the election I decided I was willing to die to save this Country. In the weeks/months that followed the election and inauguration, I realized the voting wasn't enough and there was approx 60% chance this wouldn't end until there was A LOT of blood shed. I asked myself if I was willing to kill for my Country. Took a long time but I decided I was. (I don't own any weapons and if you could see/know me, you would be shocked! I'm really the least likely person to be suspected or to succeed, but I'll do whatever I'm able to do.) I'm now rough estimating a 93% chance it will end in a very bloody fight.

If they take the House or Senate, it will/must be a Rev. started by us. We can NEVER let them take power again - or it's over. If we win again it will be a CivWar started by them.

Let NG/Military handle the street trash thugs (cannon fodder) and those with sniper skills handle those with 24/7 body guards or in the safe havens available for the very wealthy the rest of us go for those in the middle. There cannot be any rules of engagement and NO ONE is off limits. For me, it will be privately, silently on the down-low, in the dark of night - with no cameras or cell phones around like the French Resistance in WWII. These people go home when they get off of the protest buses or leave the riot or work/school if applicable. These people are the brainwashed employees of tech, insurance and financial corporations, corporate leaders, so-called non-profits-charities-interestGroups(like SierraClub-ACLU-SPLC,PETA-etc), many professional athletes and most musicians/actors, K-Street, Media, elected officials from both sides, students, professors, school administrators, DeepState (trained- leave them to the Military) and MANY other "normal" Gov Employees - Fed/State/Local. Don't forget the muslim nogo zones, gangs and ALL of the training camps set-up (some imported) and ARMED by Soros/OButthead. Maybe Vets get them but not people like me. Be creative and be careful! God help us if it comes to this.