Anonymous ID: 9380a5 Oct. 6, 2018, 11:49 a.m. No.3366603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6789 >>6986

A tale OLDER than Time, Frenz.




Barong and Kris Dance

The theme is the never-ending fight between good and evil.


The Barong & Kris Dance is a traditional Balinese dance drama portraying the eternal battle between good vs. evil from characters in Bali mythology. Barong, is a lion-like creature, is the king of all good spirits and Rangda, is a widowed witch and the queen of all evil spirits. Both are equally revered and worshipped amongst the Balinese Hindus as one cannot exist without the other.'


The story goes that Rangda, the mother of Erlangga, the King of Bali in the tenth century, was condemned by Erlangga’s father because she practiced black magic. After she became a widow, she summoned all the evil spirits [demons and witches] in the jungle, to come after Erlangga. A fight occurs, but she and her black magic troops were too strong that Erlangga had to ask for the help of Barong.


Barong came with Erlangga’s soldiers and fight ensued. Rangda cast a spell that made Erlangga soldiers all wanted to kill themselves, pointing their poisoned keris (swords) into their own stomachs and chests. Barong then cast a spell that turned their body resistant to the sharp keris. At the end, Barong won and Rangda ran away.

Anonymous ID: 9380a5 Oct. 6, 2018, 12:01 p.m. No.3366789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6869 >>6933


The Thunderbird is a widespread figure in Native American mythology, particularly among Midwestern, Plains, and Northwest Coast tribes. Thunderbird is described as an enormous bird (according to many Northwestern tribes, large enough to carry a killer whale in its talons as an eagle carries a fish) who is responsible for the sound of thunder (and in some cases lightning as well.) Different Native American communities had different traditions regarding the Thunderbird.


In some tribes, Thunderbirds are considered extremely sacred forces of nature, while in others, they are treated like powerful but otherwise ordinary members of the animal kingdom.

Anonymous ID: 9380a5 Oct. 6, 2018, 12:12 p.m. No.3366933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7050


Chumpi or Kuyas (Jiwaya) Stones are known as healing stones and have been used for centuries by the Q'ero shamans & healers in the Andes in healing practices for initiating and transmitting lineage rites and to connect to the sacred mountains known as Apus. These healing stones are connected with these sacred mountains of Peru, taking power in the hands of the Apus.


The Hindu tradition perceives the existence of cyclical nature of the universe and everything within it. The cosmos follows one cycle within a framework of cycles. It may have been created and reach an end, but it represents only one turn in the perpetual "wheel of time", which revolves infinitely through successive cycles of creation and destruction.


Within this cycle of creation and destruction of the universe, the soul (atman) also undergoes its own version of cycle called samsara, the cycle of rebirth in which individual souls are repeatedly reincarnated.


You and I have a rendevous with Destiny.

We'll preserve for Our children this, the Last Best Hope of Man on Earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.