Anonymous ID: 41a91d Oct. 6, 2018, 12:36 p.m. No.3367371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7438 >>7443

24 hours and counting of a stomach bug anons.



and in my case





RE James Woods and the Twitter wars. Still chaps my ass that Twitter owns ours, yet that's the medium we are supposed to use to be effective.






RE: Murkowski and the "present" vote.

Please, please let's get this one done.

However, her making a public "good girl" deal with Daine is a great way to stick a finger into Feinstein's eyeball. Publicly. At least publicly to us.

Happy for her.

If she fails and votes not, I'll go barf on her front porch.



Every so tiny a red pill for the spouse this morning. Talked about billionaires money laundering schemes.

Eyes got real big.

FINALLY. A bit of a break through.


Also discussed Paul Ryan not running. Quit while I was ahead when I saw a resistance building.


Love y'all.


Anonymous ID: 41a91d Oct. 6, 2018, 1 p.m. No.3367964   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I always read that Q as the 53-47 was the count expected for cloture.


But y'all do what you need to do.


Great relief. Big wonderful sigh of great relief.