Anonymous ID: 7dee77 Oct. 6, 2018, 12:43 p.m. No.3367533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From Bread #4244:

Reposting my old drop = prior to Q /patriotsfight/346 referencing VP Pence speech about China.


I have firsthand experience with VP Pence speech subject matter.


Chinese infiltration to USA thru ALL major US universities.

Using: CSSA & Confucius Institute & Sister University Partnerships


*Remember = ALL Mainland Chinese Universities are COMPLETELY controlled & run by the PRC Communist Party Government, ALL of them.


▶Anonymous (You) 10/05/18 (Fri) 13:32:46 797e60 (2) No.3349920>>3349963 >>3350223


POTUS knows what many of us have known for years:

Long-term infiltration of US by PRC for intellectual property theft.

On USA college campuses >>

(CSSA) Chinese Students & Scholars Association

Confucius Institute

On most if not all major US university campuses.

Many American university - China university partnerships or exchanges. Think sister university.

Confucius Institute & CSSA: Some = Chinese Visiting Scholars, CSSA Student Presidents & Directors of each Confucius Institute branch:

PRC Intelligence Assets who report to the nearest Chinese Consulate or Embassy.

Where does innovation & development of tech & industry happen?

Ever since the opening of China after The Cultural Revolution; the PRC has sent students & scholars to "Mine" our innovation, tech & engineering.

Duh, I'm an anon from the boonies with no formal college degrees & I've seen it for the last 30+ yrs.

Thankfully, I would dare say there are a lot of Mainland Chinese who come here and are not PRC assets. Some even become Christians. Some become American citizens.