Anonymous ID: e55c4f Oct. 6, 2018, 12:29 p.m. No.3367234   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3366485 pb

I don't think that's Trump's chess move. Trump isn't the only one playing the game. He is the one securing spaces on the board, ensuring that any action to take our pieces will result in the loss of an opponent's piece.


This is why the Presidency is important. If it is corrupt or delusional, then it can't properly secure the investigators into corruption. To that end, we are looking at a somewhat different game or a sort of collaborative playstyle.


There is no need to have Hillary flip. She would just flip again when the winds blew another direction - and the pawns would probably stage a mutiny to kill her, anyway. Consider that RR and Mueller are already flipped. Look at how that changes the picture.


There is a difference between evil and dirty. Dirty can be cleaned. Evil… Is not something you can help a person be rid of so easily, particularly when they have freely chosen it. The most dangerous thing that happened was Mueller's appointment to special council. How much has been referred, I wonder, to prosecutors in the course of his investigation?


Trump's chess move, if one could say he has made just one, will be a sudden retroactive continuity adjustment whereby all of the seemingly random or chaotic events align to a single, massive death stroke. Like some kind of quantum mechanical principle - it will be both slow building and instantaneous. It will be short lived yet continually going. The Trump-Schrodinger move whereby one is both winning and has already won at the same time.