Anonymous ID: 876d2d Oct. 6, 2018, 2:23 p.m. No.3369894   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The promised land - the promised land - the promised land!

The promised land, the land of plenty rich with gold

Here came dreamers with Bible, fist and gun

Bound for land, across the plains their wagons rolled

Hell bent for leather - that's how the West was won


Side by side they tamed the savage prairie land (note: the songbook says "stride by stride")

Nothing stopped them - no wind nor rain nor sun

Side by side these pioneers from ev'ry land

All pulled together - that's how the West was won


And they sang of the day when they would rest their boots

In a land where the still waters flow

Where the dreams of a man and wife could put down roots

And their love and the seeds of love would grow

And grow and grow!


Dream by dream they built a nation on this land

Forged in freedom for ev'ry mother's son

Here it is, the beautiful the promised land

We won't forget them and how the West was won!