Anonymous ID: e9e0c5 Oct. 6, 2018, 2:35 p.m. No.3370161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0185

Just sent a scathing email to Foxnews about intereupting the confirmation vote WITHOUT going to a commercial, and told them they need to issue an apology to the American people that were watching on their channels.

It was HIGHLY wrong for Chris Wallace to break in during the row call when they were doing the AYE vote, and DIDN'T even cut to a commercial.

Asshole Wallace started talking and you couldn't hear the rest of the AYE voters voting at all.

They didn't cut to commercial, but went back to the row call for NAY's…that's bullshit and everyone that watches Foxnews should complain about this bullshit Chris Wallace did during that confirmation vote!!!