Anonymous ID: 4c261e Oct. 6, 2018, 2:59 p.m. No.3370532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0579 >>0610

Mitch McConnell Thanks Anti-Kavanaugh ‘Mob’: A ‘Great Political Gift for Us’


The partisan Democrat opposition to Judge Brett Kavanaugh was a “great political gift” to Republicans, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said in Washington Post article.


“It’s been a great political gift for us,” McConnell wrote. “The tactics have energized our base. I want to thank the mob, because they’ve done the one thing we were having trouble doing, which was energizing our base.”


Republicans are also benefiting in polling on Senate races because of the left-wing and partisan Democrat campaign against Kavanaugh’s nomination, said McConnell.


On Saturday, leftists opposed Kavanaugh’s nomination in Washington, DC, displaying signs with messages such as: “STOP NORMALIZING RAPE,” “ME TOO, ANITA!’, and “This administration is like a jobs program for misogynists.”


Various left-wing and partisan Democrat news media figures derided Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) on Friday following her same-day stated intention to vote to confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.


Organized protesters harassed senators contemplating support for Kavanaugh. Several senators — mostly Republicans — claimed to have received death threats from people opposing Kavanaugh’s nomination.


Watch Breitbart News’s livestream of unfolding events in the nation’s capital here.


In September, various heads of Democrat-aligned feminist organizations described Christine Blasey Ford — who accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault — as a “survivor” while claiming that all women who accuse men of sexual abuse must be believed.


The Washington Post did not mention the role of the news media in describing elements of opposition to Kavanaugh’s nomination.


The Washington Post also opted against publishing the full interview with McConnell. No full transcript or audio was shared.

Anonymous ID: 4c261e Oct. 6, 2018, 3:03 p.m. No.3370597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0617 >>0624 >>0681 >>0715

HYSTERICAL LIBERALS Break Down SOBBING After Senate Votes to Confirm Judge Kavanaugh (VIDEO– PICTURES)


The US Senate voted on Saturday to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh as the newest Supreme Court Justice.

Shortly after the vote Brett Kavanaugh was taken to the Supreme Court for his swearing in ceremony.


Liberal protesters were out in force on Saturday outside the Capitol Hill and on the steps of the Supreme Court.

There were several arrests.


The liberal screams turned to tears following the vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh.

Anonymous ID: 4c261e Oct. 6, 2018, 3:03 p.m. No.3370604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0628





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Anonymous ID: 4c261e Oct. 6, 2018, 3:05 p.m. No.3370652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0721 >>0913 >>0955

Chinese Authorities Suspect Interpol President of Corruption – Reports


The Chinese authorities suspect Interpol President Meng Hongwei of corruption, local media reported Saturday citing sources.


According to Le Parisien sources, Meng is suspected of assisting a certain company in obtaining a cybersecurity contract, and is currently under investigation.


Earlier, French media reported that the Interpol president, Meng Hongwei, has been missing since he traveled to China in late September. Meng's wife, who resides in France's Lyon, the same city where Interpol is headquartered, reported to the police her husband missing on Friday, having not heard from him since 25 September when he traveled from France to his native China.


Chinese media said later that Meng, who also serves as the Chinese deputy public security minister, was taken for interrogation soon after landing in China a week ago.


Meng assumed office in November 2016. He has held various positions within China's Ministry of Public Security in his decades-long career. According to Interpol's website, Meng Hongwei served as Vice Minister of Public Security in China.