Anonymous ID: 74b138 Oct. 6, 2018, 2:51 p.m. No.3370401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0469 >>0500 >>0538 >>0702


My god this discussion is becoming absurd.


No, you didn't ask me why I don't call out shills... I gave that information because I felt it was necessary. Why do you think you can dictate what I shall talk about and how I should respond? Are you that narcissistic?


You asked a question with an invalid premise. You asked about the "stereotyped oppositional rhetoric" (which is not even a well-defined term). Why must people conform to YOUR understanding (read: Opinion) of what "stereotyped rhetoric" must be? Why is it stereotyped? What if what I'm trying to do is fight against those stereotypes? You asked a question assuming the consequent, which (ironically, considering >>3370226 is accusing me of using logical fallacies, is in itself a logical fallacy)...


Your demand that I have some sort of "realistic awareness of conditions", is your own rhetoric for "just fall in line and don't try to challenge the dominant paradigm that exists here"... in other words, you want me to just shut up and not post exactly what I posted, because you disagree with it.


That is the long and short of it really.


"I disagree, shut up." except you posted it as a flowery logically flawed screed.


So fuck you... you're in over your head, son. I certainly did "fail to do what other people would do naturally"... other people would naturally shrink from such a word salad filled with bullshit... normal people would have tried to answer a question based on flawed premise. Normal people would be confused by a false dichotomy question, and try to answer in the binary rather than shrugging it off and saying "I reject your false dichotomy, and your false premises, and will engage with you on MY terms, not the bullshit ones you're trying to shoehorn me in to."


Again... fuck you dude, you're SOOOO in over your head.

Anonymous ID: 74b138 Oct. 6, 2018, 2:57 p.m. No.3370503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0545 >>0575


">I'm not dictating anything. I'm pointing out that it's obvious that you're fake. "


LOL, okay… I'm fake. You're right.


I'm actually sitting in a CIA safe house in Omaha, Nebraska where they give me directives on how to subvert Q… You keep believing that anon…


LOL… (rolleyes)

Anonymous ID: 74b138 Oct. 6, 2018, 3:06 p.m. No.3370657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0675 >>0714 >>0739 >>0745 >>0881 >>0884 >>0900


You really don't understand how stupid you are, do you…


I've been here for MONTHS! I have been posting here FOR MONTHS… I have hundreds of posts here… but you won't KNOW that because the IDs change every bread.


Who is the Newfag here, anon? I'm guessing it's you!


YOU assumed I just "stopped lurking to finally post about the numerology stuff"… Which is hilarious.


I only identified myself as A "Math Teacher Anon" for the purposes of the context of THIS conversation… I have identified myself as that before maybe once, but I have also identified myself as other types of anon… because we all wear different hats in our lives.



UberAnon (I drive for Uber, too)

I also teach social sciences, but have never identifed myself as "SocialScienceTeacherAnon"… (that one's kinda too long to be comfy)…


I was here when the BV tried to ban boobs, and defended LOUDLY against that… even creating the 3 "rules" images that have naked women with the board's "welcome" message pasted all over them…


I did digging on the launch of the missle from the sub in Washington… I did digging on the airplanes on the runways from China airlines, etc… bottom line is it is YOU who is a fucking retard for assuming WAY too much about another ANONYMOUS PERSON who may have been here since Day 1, because you're too fucking stupid to realize what this whole "ANON" thing actually implies.


Like I told you before… you're in WAY over your head, faggot…


Go run along now, son…

Anonymous ID: 74b138 Oct. 6, 2018, 3:08 p.m. No.3370707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0784 >>0832 >>0868



Those who instantly jump on anyone that posts anything remotely construed as "divisive", and call them "shills" are actually more divisive than any of the anons they call out… they cause more argument and controversy than would occur if those people they call out were simply engaged in a normal manner.

Anonymous ID: 74b138 Oct. 6, 2018, 3:10 p.m. No.3370741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0812


By the way… it's telling that I had 4 of your 5 images already in the "nope" filter… because I use that filter to get rid of what I see as spam images that add nothing to the bread…

Anonymous ID: 74b138 Oct. 6, 2018, 3:18 p.m. No.3370875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0930 >>1070


>In your first post you said you had lurked up until now.


No, I actually DID NOT say that…


>The very fact that you are creating fake controversies RIGHT NOW,


Nope, again, it's not ME that's creating the controversy… it's you with your lack of reading comprehension skills. It's you with your baseless attacks and bad logic, pushing me to DEFEND MYSELF… did you also think Kavanaugh was not showing "judicial restraint necessary for the supreme court" because he reacted angrily to being falsely accused of rape?


Just to recap (attached picture related)


I posted that I had FINALLY GOTTEN TIRED ENOUGH of seeing the bullshit numerology stuff, to FINALLY say something ABOUT THAT…


YOU misunderstood that to mean I was a long-time lurker to that point, who had never posted about anything before… and you're all like "OMG, he's never posted before, but he chooses THIS as his first thing he posts about? He must be a paid shill divisionfag! I must TAKE HIM ON WITH ALL MY RIGHTEOUS RETARDED FURY!"


And then I defend myself from your retarded misunderstanding of it all… and now I'm the bad guy?


Got it!


Seriously read the screencap of the original post… "Finally sick enough of seeing this bullshit to chime in on it" is a DIRECT REFERENCE to ONLY the context of THAT POST… fucking idiot… Nowhere did I imply, directly or indirectly, that I was a newfag posting for the very first time…


LOL, this is delicious…


You just got fucking WRECKED and you probably don't even realize it…


I don't expect an apology… but you should probably just wait until the end of this bread to post again so you can crawl under a new rock of anonymity… your cred is totally fucked in this bread.

Anonymous ID: 74b138 Oct. 6, 2018, 3:24 p.m. No.3370968   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh god, not on a weekend… LOL


Applied Combinatorics almost broke my brain… not in the mood for anything that heavy right now.


I'm only a MIDDLE School math teacher, too… so most of what I talk about all day is Algebra. :)

Anonymous ID: 74b138 Oct. 6, 2018, 3:28 p.m. No.3371040   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wait, this faggot I've been arguing with is a "no tits" idiot?


I gotta post these images I created when the BV tried to ban tits a few months ago… :)