Anonymous ID: b61e75 Oct. 6, 2018, 2:54 p.m. No.3370447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1055

>>3369739 (pb)

You would have done better to say the lord appeared to you and told you that Q clock was demonic and lucifarian …


Math is life, life is math..the universe is math….but data can be turned into anything you want it to be…statistically speaking.


OTOH the clockfags may have stepped into another level of the matrix.


(just use Satan and Lucifarian in a post, quote a few bible verses against such witchery and you'll do better than you did here…)

Anonymous ID: b61e75 Oct. 6, 2018, 2:56 p.m. No.3370473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0534 >>0539 >>0561 >>0574 >>0577 >>0581 >>0583 >>0607 >>0622 >>0869

>>3368199 (pb)


>Justice Barrett will be 47 years old when confirmed in 2019.


Keep pushing that. You will lose in 2020. This court is not for YOU and YOUR personal sky fairy beliefs.


ENDLESS ANON on here keep our mouths shut as independents and centrists but honestly your idea of justice is every bit as scary as sharia law…xian sharia…you've no rights to legislate YOUR brand of morality.


You have a duty to live your morality and that's it. Imposing your beliefs onto others…you have no idea the division you will experience if you keep it up. This place is an echo chamber…NOW…it wasn't before…


Already we swallow our thoughts on the religiousity constantly thrust down our throats here, and dare anyone say a word, you thrust what you believe are the beliefs of POTUS down our throats.


Grow a brian you moran…mobilizing the idiocracy isn't easy…and emotional appeals to religitards makes it easy, especially when you are constantly being horrified by every little thing…it's pathetically easy.


One has to admire the cleverness of the game…corruption reins in those who kneel as well as those who stand…but there's no better way of getting people fired up as to cause them to believe that their sky fairy version is the winner.


Everybody does it, from the Pope to the Imams to Q, and it's pathetically easy so who can blame them.


You are going to be gravely disappointed. POTUS is not stupid, he owes his win to independents and centrists. I do not expect that RvW will come anywhere close to being overturned, nor gay marriage.


Unless of course those who advocate dictating what anyone else does with their body also are willing to have their own body uses dictated to…perhaps to save a life you'd be willing to be forced to donate blood, or a kidney…after all, it's saving a life.


I for one am grateful for abortion. The inner city hood rats would have 17 babies each for me to feed on welfare. Personally I think welfare needs to be cut after one illegitimate birth and that's that. (considering the vast amounts of "religious" women having abortions)…Expecting people to keep their legs closed is a bit too much it does take two but suffering the consequences of not taking responsibility..perhaps back to the days of bastardy bonds etc?


If you are stupid enough to get knocked up, stupid enough not to deal with it immediately then both the woman and the sperm donor need to fucking PAY. If you spawn a kid, pay for it…there's black men with 15 or more baby mama on the welfare rolls..this shit has to stop. THAT is what I want, and if it means FREE ABORTION and TUBE TYING…that's what I want. It's insanity to hear the religitards screaming about abortion when abortion is about the only thing that has kept this country solvent given the rate certain segments of society irresponsibly fuck.


Perhaps we can do the whole bastardy bond thing…name the father, many of you assholes got let off the hook via abortion?


You have every right to believe in whatever sky fairy doctrine you wish. You do not have the right to impose that belief onto others. PERIOD.


I think it is right and fair to restrict abortions to nonviable pregnancies no matter what trimester the "mother" is in. but beyond that, this religious division shit has got to stop….and it's RAMPANT on here…it fills my mouth with bile.


I love POTUS I do not like most of you…especially now that most autists and high IQ thinkers have been replaced by hand wringing boomers and religitards who firmly believe that they're going to get "their way".


I shall repeat, this country is FOR ALL of us, not right wing fundamental xians. If you persist in your religious asshattery, you will lose the very people who were responsible for POTUS's win. THE REST OF US. I love my country, in general I love the people, but up close and personal aka on here, many of you are so repugnant and smug in your "right" to rule, I feel you too are in for a bit of an awakening.


I WILL NOT return to the days of "burn the witch" for any religion.


And don't pull the :turn it to the states bullshit…that is why we have people pulling 10 years in Kansas for having a joint and people walking about in public smoking a joint in California etc. Sometimes people are too backwards to make balanced decisions…turning it to the states means Kansas has women with 17 kids on welfare and Colorado has none. Idiots.

Anonymous ID: b61e75 Oct. 6, 2018, 3:08 p.m. No.3370702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0768


>Your demand that I have some sort of "realistic awareness of conditions", is your own rhetoric for "just fall in line and don't try to challenge the dominant paradigm that exists here"… in other words, you want me to just shut up and not post exactly what I posted, because you disagree with it.


NAILED IT…recall the crying libtards brainlessly following their leader…well welcome to the OTHER side of the coin…a coin has two sides…but both sides are worth the same amount of money.

Anonymous ID: b61e75 Oct. 6, 2018, 3:13 p.m. No.3370797   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>LOL, I'm glad SOMEONE could follow my train of thought there… I wasn't sure if I expressed it well enough.

KEK the rest of anyone able to follow your train is on half….I'm slumming here today…things have gone straight to Idiocracy on this side of the coin…same as the other side…we're surrounded on all sides.

Anonymous ID: b61e75 Oct. 6, 2018, 3:23 p.m. No.3370942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0993 >>1082


>I really hope that we all won with Justice Kavanaugh.

I think we did. I have confidence that there's no way the government would be stupid enough to get rid of abortion…considering every reason I listed. For all of us…I had to KOL when I saw the idiotic responses to my post…meh must hate black people…well yeah, I suppose if paying for endless illegitimate black babies is hate, then it's hate…it's not my fault black women and roasties drop their pants for tyrone if he shines his grill at them…I am not paying for 18 years of pickinany welfare. Stupid ass people…BAN ABORTION…nope. Please nope. Talk about browning America. Now, if we could only talk the muz into abortion land!


Donkeyshine HerrFrau Germany!

Anonymous ID: b61e75 Oct. 6, 2018, 3:25 p.m. No.3370982   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Literal retard…thinks Jews want blacks to have abortions…look in the mirror long nose…blacking of Europe..only way to black America is to ban abortion.

Anonymous ID: b61e75 Oct. 6, 2018, 3:30 p.m. No.3371073   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You mean quelle? Fucktard there's a reason I don't believe in your sky fairy…after having pried the one forced up my ass out with logic and intensive study…only a moron could continue to believe that stuff..or a weak person who needs the threat of hell in order to lead a decent life.


Neither one of those is me.


Who is buried in Roz Bal? (lololololol) panty waisted religitards…the Muzzy never gonna let anyone look cause if that story falls, they fall and no one wants to fall because they're fucking weak minded NPCs.