Anonymous ID: 84bbc9 Oct. 6, 2018, 3:51 p.m. No.3371422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1445 >>1454 >>1455 >>1457 >>1460 >>1476 >>1495 >>1499 >>1505 >>1521 >>1523 >>1535 >>1557 >>1574 >>1611 >>1632 >>1652 >>1656 >>1679 >>1809

A Message to Men from the Democrats


It is very important that all of you personally internalize that you are inherently evil and broken, and raise your sons to know this about themselves.


Your very essence and instincts are violent, hateful, and toxic to society, and there is nothing you can do to change that. Men are single-handedly responsible for all of the chaos and suffering in society, and every single man–whether they know it or not–has contributed to it.


Men have also completely oppressed women, and every single man participates in actively making sure that continues. Moreover, men despise women so much, they have encoded this oppression into every institution in the Western world.


Now, you may think you don't hate women. You may even think you like women. Worse yet, you may actually believe you love women. But you are mistaken, because you are actually incapable of both judging a person without considering their gender and of having genuine empathy or compassion for people different than you.


You actually hate women. You believe they are inferior to you in every way. You don't see them as people. What you actually want is for women to exist to serve you. You want to rape women.


You are mistaken, because you are as ignorant as you are evil and incapable of the emotional depth to understand your true feelings. You are so thoroughly backwards as a human being that you actually convince yourself that your objectification of women is respect. But you need to internalize that you are not capable of being a good enough person to actually feel that way.


All the men you hold as heroes are villains. All the historical triumphs of men are atrocities. Men have contributed nothing positive to this world.


Men are unfit to lead or make decisions, especially when the consequences affect women. Women are all victims of men. Because of this, it is immoral to suggest that men should be in positions of authority or to support those who already are.


These jobs must now go to women. Women are naturally good, gentle, loving, empathetic, and honest. They would not have done any of the horrible things men have in world history. Anything that you may think is an immoral action done by a woman, is actually the result of men's oppressive society forcing them to do so.


You must teach your sons not to rape, because otherwise they will give into their evil desires and do it. Men are incapable of peaceful co-existence without being trained by women on how to do so. Such things are a woman's nature.


If a woman says she was raped by a man, and the man claims this is not true, it is immoral to question the truth of the woman's claim. Women are inherently innocent, perfectly honest, and incapable of victimizing someone else. Men's evil gives them an instinct to both rape women and to lie. It is obvious that there is no possibility the situation is not as the woman claims.


To suggest otherwise is to hate women and to want them to be raped. It is male supremacy.


Men need to join the fight for women's rights and equality of the genders.


The only way to have a peaceful society is if men step aside from positions of influence, power, or wealth, and defer to the judgment and leadership of women. This is a woman's right.


The only way to have an honest relationship between the sexes is if men understand that they are evil and incapable and that women are peaceful and innocent. This is gender equality.


Men and women alike must become feminists (a devotee or adherent to women, the literal translation for the ignorant men reading) and fight the evil patriarchy (the leadership and influence of men).


Men who disagree with this are dangerous, and must be defeated and exposed as the monsters they are.


Women who disagree with this are brainwashed, and must be re-educated or else stopped, silenced, and removed from the culture.


Men: This must be drilled into your head until you hate yourself, apologize for existing, and make way for women.


Women: You must understand that all men who do anything accept agree, support, and defer to you are dangerous.


It is only when all women recognize themselves as flawless and men as hateful tyrants and all men are ashamed of themselves and recognize women as their superiors that we will have peace.


This is the human condition. This is the right state of things. This is nature.

Anonymous ID: 84bbc9 Oct. 6, 2018, 4:07 p.m. No.3371687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1735 >>1800



Anon, it's parody. I thought I was absurd enough that it could be easily identified as such, but I guess that shows you the state of things.


I meant to exaggerate recent sentiments from the D's to display the hateful ideology. But I suppose I didn't exaggerate enough.