Anonymous ID: aa2c51 Oct. 6, 2018, 3:37 p.m. No.3371175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1271

You really don't understand how stupid you are, do you…

I've been here for MONTHS! I have been posting here FOR MONTHS… I have hundreds of posts here… but you won't KNOW that because the IDs change every bread.

Who is the Newfag here, anon? I'm guessing it's you!

YOU assumed I just "stopped lurking to finally post about the numerology stuff"… Which is hilarious.

I only identified myself as A "Math Teacher Anon" for the purposes of the context of THIS conversation… I have identified myself as that before maybe once, but I have also identified myself as other types of anon… because we all wear different hats in our lives.


UberAnon (I drive for Uber, too)

I also teach social sciences, but have never identifed myself as "SocialScienceTeacherAnon"… (that one's kinda too long to be comfy)…

I was here when the BV tried to ban boobs, and defended LOUDLY against that… even creating the 3 "rules" images that have naked women with the board's "welcome" message pasted all over them…

I did digging on the launch of the missle from the sub in Washington… I did digging on the airplanes on the runways from China airlines, etc… bottom line is it is YOU who is a fucking retard for assuming WAY too much about another ANONYMOUS PERSON who may have been here since Day 1, because you're too fucking stupid to realize what this whole "ANON" thing actually implies.

Like I told you before… you're in WAY over your head, faggot…

Go run along now, son…