Anonymous ID: ef500b Oct. 6, 2018, 3:42 p.m. No.3371253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1287 >>1343

>>3371070 (pb)

All of this is hilarious... and very cool history.


But what you're doing is engaging in a form of confirmation bias. If you look for 19 instead, I'm sure you'll find a similar string of events and notable things along those lines.


There are any number of cognitive biases that this sort of thing plays off of. It's sort of how like when you buy a particular make/model of car, you suddenly notice ALL of the other people driving those cars, and you're like "OMG this car is so common out there!" The reality is they were always out there, you just never noticed them.


"Clustering Illusion" is another cognitive trick you should be aware of.


>"The clustering illusion is the tendency to erroneously consider the inevitable "streaks" or "clusters" arising in small samples from random distributions to be non-random."


This was actually the major theme behind that Mel Gibson movie "Signs"... listening to static to hear something from the "other side"... Hearing hidden messages in heavy metal music played backwards, etc... these are ALL cognitive tricks that people must be aware of.


It's really all I was trying to say in the original post. People who LOOK for patterns, often find them, and they are meaningless.