Anonymous ID: ba846b Oct. 6, 2018, 4:23 p.m. No.3371911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1981

So Impeach Kavanagh is the next narrative huh?


So boringly predictable = Really bad script writing for this movie. Talking to you Cabal minions.


You spook/clown operations planners & script writers are SO stupidly boring & predictable.


You've become so mundane in your bureaucratic routine & malaise that the Great awakening is Accelerating. You poor stupid, evil idiots.


You have a binder, like an aircraft checklist. And you just flip to the next page that corresponds to the current situation.


Situation (A) - Make up = BS story

Situation (B) - Trigger a "Manchurian" shooter & Make up = BS story

Situation (C) - Blow something up & Make up = BS story

Situation (D) - "Arkancide" that damn weak-link & well, you know the rest


Wash - Rinse - Repeat


Oh and hey, Y'all can't send any descent & interesting scripts to Hollywood these days either. And you've pretty much "Black-Listed" & "Exiled" all the really good & talented actors who care about this country like we do.


Sheep no more. The People are onto you Deep State.

Anonymous ID: ba846b Oct. 6, 2018, 4:32 p.m. No.3372065   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Nancy Pelosi = "The Wrap Up Smear"




Does she even realize the idiotic nonsense that comes out of her mouth?


She's supposed to be An Example of "our" elected representatives?


As Sen. "Wangdoodle" John Kennedy from Louisiana said this past week, " I can't fix stupid, but I can VOTE IT OUT."