Anonymous ID: 0b264d Oct. 6, 2018, 5:19 p.m. No.3372857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2956 >>3279


Moar Digging for China Organ Harvesting Notable a couple breads back.


Old Fag who was there building web pages on line starting when there were only 7-800 websites. This suddenly became a HUGE story on the tiny internet back then. The Congress was going nuts about it. Was in the newspapers too. I thought for sure I would find it on the Way-back Machine. This is the oldest I could find. Yeah, so, oldfag does not know how to get to early wayback, and I KNOW it should go back that far. It was started at that time, about 1997 that I remember.

Anyway, thought for sure the legislature would figure out that building China economy by letting this despicable government trade as if it was a free nation was a BAD idea. They can not have their own economy. A free economy requires the use of private property, which is a no no by definition, with any Communist government (with the exception of the government elites, royalty, etc.


China has been organ harvesting their own citizens, for a LONG time. If someone can get that wayback machine to work, you are looking for newspaper pictures of a white van going around the streets of China, nabbing people right off the streets, front page.


WHY are we letting this failed concept of government piggy back on our free enterprise system?

WHY do they get to benefit from OUR free market created businesses, when they themselves could not create freedom for their own people to do it for themselves?

And we are complicit, by trading with them IMHO.

They have kept this hush hush obviously, so it is not our fault if we do not now, but we should make sure Americans KNOW, like yesterday. Thank you Baker for making this a Notable.