Anonymous ID: 896c64 Oct. 6, 2018, 5:10 p.m. No.3372701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2731 >>2734 >>2741 >>2743 >>2798 >>3097 >>3283 >>3312 >>3399 >>3421

Not a slide. Curious if anyone else is feeling as if they’re cooking from the inside out lately. Started about a week ago. When I am work behind the computer all day, I really feel it. Read somewhere that they’re slowly cooking the public and turning it up slowly. Didn’t feel this when I lived in the country.


Regarding people feeling hot from inside the body. Do you have wifi internet connection (internet routers) or digital cordless phone in house. They use microwave radiation and scientists in Europe have been warning public since 2003 of symptoms being experienced by a growing number of patients who are having body heat regulating problems. Try switching your routers off or switching to wired broadband and switch to a corded phone instead of cordless. Apparently an increasing number of people worldwide are suffering from EHS (electrohypersensitivity) in association with radio frequency microwave radiation, as we are all incraesingly exposed. Look at Magda Havas and Martin Blank and Seletun Statement for more info. Tingling, sleeplessness at night, heating and burning sensations and many other (heart rhythm problems) are common. It's a biological phenomenon and scientists are worried about it. (Non thermal biological radiation effects). You're probably just suffering that.

Anonymous ID: 896c64 Oct. 6, 2018, 5:22 p.m. No.3372905   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have metal in my body. When my body gets hot, it gets really hot over the titanium and have to use ice. It burnzzzzzzzzz. Horrible. Had this one other time - I was under full electronic surveillance. Not sure if that’s why tho.