Anonymous ID: ebb02c Oct. 6, 2018, 5:21 p.m. No.3372895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2910 >>2919 >>2934 >>2982 >>2985 >>2994 >>3027 >>3100 >>3118 >>3159


>The abortion issue is very divisive here

It's only divisive because this sector (aka the religitards that have overrun this place and complained about bewbs and kikes and other things) do not realize they are the exact opposite side of the libtard coin.


BOTH sides feel they have the right to tell you what to do, how to live, what to believe, and insist on controlling your body. Neither side is side waaas muh god, the other side waaaas muh rights.


If we tied forced pregnancy to saving a life, meaning if forcing pregnancy is about saving a life, then it can only be fair if ALL people (not just those who can become pregnant) are forced to save a life. That means if someone needs your blood or a kidney, you can be forced to save a life.


Very few religitards are going to get on board forced life saving if it means they might have to lose something. KEK. I love this idea. It's about saving a life, fine...then you too will be forced to save a life!


But as far a trimesters...if you can't get a abortion by 6 weeks you are a literal retard. If you can't gather your brains to use plan B, you're a retard and should be forced to have your tubes tied. NON viable pregnancy should always be able to be aborted no matter the trimester.


But there should be no abortion of VIABLE pregnancy unless it's a minor child or life of the mother. AKA a child capable of drawing breath and living.


If you want to go all religitard...the bible talks about drawing breath.. life begins at breath...IE Adam was not alive until god BREATHED into him...that is about as much argument about when life begins that is in the a pregnancy in which the child is capable of drawing breath and abortion. First it's stupid in these days to even wait that long. (Although in some areas of the country women do have to wait even though they tried).


But yes we need to have this conversation and religitards need to back the fuck off unless they are willing to give THEIR bodies to save a life...let's make a law forcing them to!


And then we need to discuss eugenics. I have zero issues with sterilization at birth for ALL and then applying to reverse it one in a stable adult life. (despite this being an absolute answer to the rampant overbreeding them hate it!) I am sick of paying for other people's stupid shit. And since I'm feeling bitter and resentful at the rabbits reproducing in the hood, free, unlimited abortions for all downtown. Cause I'm fucking sick of paying for your shit.

Anonymous ID: ebb02c Oct. 6, 2018, 5:35 p.m. No.3373134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3229


KEK you're gonna lose this one.


First you quote the OT…dicey business there..cherry picking the bible for what you want to believe…forgetting about slaves, prisoners of war…etc…..cause I will literally slay you if you continue. ( using the OT for anything. Because it's fucking evil.


But fun times here…when a woman has a's "god's will" as if God the greater abortionist is sitting up in the sky zapping women at will (aka HIS will) and killing their babies. HOWEVER if a woman causes her OWN miscarriage aka fetal death…then she is evil, but god's OK…cause it's HIS will.'


>Todd Akin and the Republican platform have highlighted the "personhood" movement to legally define fertilized eggs as human beings with the same constitutional rights born children have.


>Proponents argue their case on religious grounds, so it's worth asking what the Bible says about it.


>The Bible doesn't talk about abortion, but it does say when a human being's life begins.


>Genesis 2:7 is clearest. The first human became a "living being" (nefesh hayah, "a living breath") when God blew into its nostrils and it started to breathe. Human life begins when you start breathing, biblical writers thought. It ends when you stop. That's why the Hebrew word often translated "spirit" (ruah) – "life force" might be a better translation – literally means "wind" or "breath."


>But what about babies in the womb?


>A few passages talk about someone called by God before birth: "The LORD called me from the womb. From the innermost parts of my mother, God named me … and said to me, 'You are my servant Israel, in whom I'll be glorified" (Isaiah 49:1-3).


>Here, the one called is the nation Israel, not an individual. A nation of course can't occupy a womb. The language is figurative not literal. It isn't describing prenatal biology or pinpointing when human life begins. It's affirming God's power and Israel's calling to a special mission in the world.


>Other passages make the same point by saying someone's called by God before they're even conceived (Genesis 18:9; 1 Samuel 1:17; Luke 1:31). I've not heard anyone make the case, based on these texts, that human life begins before conception.


>It's hard to ask biblical texts the modern question, "when does human life begin?" because the Bible has a very different understanding of human reproduction. Biblical writers don't talk about sperm fertilizing eggs. They talk about male "seed" planted in fertile female ground. Just as a seed becomes a plant when it emerges from the ground, so too a man's planted seed becomes another human being when it emerges from the womb.


>The only verses I know that address the legal status of "seed" in the womb come in a brief section of case law.


>Exodus 21:22-25 describes a case where a pregnant woman jumps into a fight between her husband and another man and suffers injuries that cause her to miscarry. Injuries to the woman prompt the normal penalties for harming another human being: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life. Killing the woman is murder, a capital crime.


>The miscarriage is treated differently, however – as PROPERTY LOSS, not murder. The assailant must pay a fine to the husband. The law of a life for a life does not apply. The fetus is important, but it's not human life in the same way the pregnant woman is.


>Early on, in the "first trimester," the embryo undeniably is human life, but it's not "a human being" in the normal sense of the term. At this stage of pregnancy, a woman's right to privacy trumps any responsibility the state might have to protect the embryo by interfering with the woman's decision to terminate the pregnancy.


>Late in the pregnancy, certainly by the "third trimester," however, the child has reached a stage of development that changes its moral and legal status. To protect the rights of the viable fetus, states can put serious limits on a woman's right to abortion, though they must continue to respect her right to self-defense, to terminate the pregnancy to save her own life or prevent serious injury.


>In the ambiguous middle of the pregnancy, the "second trimester," the state has to balance the right to life of the unborn with the right to privacy of the woman, a balance that continues to tip toward the fetus as the pregnancy progresses. In this stage, our constantly improving medical technology plays an important role in the moral-legal equation.


Roe doesn't require "abortion on demand" until the moment of birth. Rather, abortion is illegal in most states once the fetus is viable (normally 24 weeks into the pregnancy), unless it's necessary to save the life of the mother or prevent serious physical or mental harm.


I think the moral reasoning of Roe and subsequent Supreme Court decisions reflects what many of us actually think: the moral status of the fetus changes over the course of the pregnancy.

Anonymous ID: ebb02c Oct. 6, 2018, 5:37 p.m. No.3373184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3264


>A baby in the womb will almost always be born and live as long as nothing is done.

Unless god kills it, then it's his will.


You people are going to completely and totally lose 2020…you will lose moderates, independents and centrists if you do not back the fuck of the religitard shit. I am not worried about RVW going away because POTUS is not a retard.

Anonymous ID: ebb02c Oct. 6, 2018, 5:41 p.m. No.3373235   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The life saving argument is bogus….

HOW is it bogus, EXACTLY, don't just fling words, be exact, I was. Forced pregnancy people such as yourself claim it is to save a life. I counter that if saving a LIFE were really important to you then ALL life, not just the potential life inside a woman should be included in forced life saving


SO you're telling me that forced life saving is a bad thing? You disagree with forced life saving, or that pregnancy is not a life?


make up your fucking mind. People who dash about telling other people how to live their lives really do need to come with ALL the answers when pushed. I pushed, now fucking answer me.

Anonymous ID: ebb02c Oct. 6, 2018, 5:45 p.m. No.3373291   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This incredibly misguided

yes and I just LOVE how you came with some answers….that don't include forcing other people to do what YOU want them to do.

Anonymous ID: ebb02c Oct. 6, 2018, 5:49 p.m. No.3373343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3409



>Stop killing babies.

dude god kills more babies every day than I could ever possibly kill. But when god does it it's his will. I get it…stupid ass people. You're exactly the same as the libtards you profess to fact THEY are literally the reaction to YOUR…your previous hate of gays, now the pendulums swings back hard. Your continual shaming of pregnant girls back in the 1950s…sparked the Magadalens and endless pain and suffering…and now you want to be in control again?


If you listen to this echo chamber you might believe you are…but keep pushing. And trust me, independents, centrists, libertarians…we will strike back….so YOU STFU and stay out of other people's bedrooms and bodies, and praise god every time a woman loses a baby. Cause..that's what you fucking retards do "it was gods will"..fuck god. KEK.

Anonymous ID: ebb02c Oct. 6, 2018, 5:53 p.m. No.3373398   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>ignore this poster, not because of the opinion, because nobody wants to hear it and we all have different ideas about the issue.


OH I have been fucking listening to their opinion since this SCOTUS debate started. The endless posts about overturning RvW…the cheering..surely you didn't think it was because they thought he was a nonpartisan judge? They actually think RvW is going to get overturned. The sly Judge Amy posts…OMG they are so fucking stupid.


Listen you fucktards, He's SCOTUS because of the tribunals not RvW…now you can quite POTUS and go away like furious little libtards because you're not going to be able to force other people to do what you want.

Anonymous ID: ebb02c Oct. 6, 2018, 5:55 p.m. No.3373427   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Most people in america don't support killing babies..

You are living in lala land. Most Americans support body integrity and the right to decide what to do with their body. And you calling that right evil tells me exactly what YOU are. Libtard wrapped in bible pages.