Anonymous ID: 06b305 Oct. 6, 2018, 6:16 p.m. No.3373710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3742 >>3773


Whaaaat? Im not alone? I used to be always cold. Ive been anemic my whole life. Body cant absorb iron in pill form. I've been eatimg moar spinach daily than most rabbits. And ive always remained freezing . I once took iron shots , every day, for over 7 months. ( for those who dont know, iron shots hurt so bad, and bruise. My bruises lasted over 2 years )….

For the past 2-3 weeks IVE BEEN SO FUCKEN HOT. All the time. Morning noon, and noon and night.kek. I find myself siting or laying on tile floor. In cool shower. I sleep on top of blankets with a fan on. It's crazy how hot I am all the time…

I'm so glad I'm not alone. Thank you for your post! I feel better knowing that I'm not crazy.kek.