Anonymous ID: b4cdca Oct. 6, 2018, 6:38 p.m. No.3374030   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sure, but you're a bit late to the game

The fuckery was noted a while ago

Sessions ran unopposed because Ds knew putting up a candidate was useless

The they get some someone who was relatively unknown to politics to run against Moore

They Kavanaugh Moore only it's successful

The kicker is

The Ds had a ~92% voter turnout

In a hotly contested election

In a extremely Red region of the US

Many noted cases of people being bused in to vote

Election committee tried to destroy ballots after election

Ballots were said to have been saved

Haven't heard much about going through the ballots

DHS took over investigation

Anons back on CBTS days dug into a group called Marion three (or something like that)

Vote machine manipulation and just as important, the people running elections in specific areas allowed for the fuckery to take place

Improper ballot processing

Possible voting machine fuckery and

People being shipped in from out of state

All contributed to Ds stealing election

Sorry I'm being a lazyfag today

Cant be bothered to dig up sauce

CBTS way all over this

Might want to dig through archives