Anonymous ID: 22a55c Oct. 6, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.3374592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4610 >>4650



Around 75% of the pop in the chans are male, so we don't really give a fuck about men "doxxing" themselves. In society women have been taking advantage by their "woman" status, expecting to be treated differently like we are supposed to treat "ladies" in society. That doesn't work here, we don't care about men, and we don't care if you are a woman, and always trying to show in an anon board that you are a woman ("femanon" and all that shit like the "point" that you are trying to make), like we are supposed to treat you different because of that, will only get you an attack (generally "tits or gtfo"), because we just don't give a damn. You won't be treated different and be "protected" because you are a woman like society pushes us to, so don't come with all that "critical thinking" that is just a rant from a clearly liberal-leaning POV.