Anonymous ID: 7849d6 Oct. 6, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.3374878   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

President Xi, we're not in this together.

You are the Masters of the country, you are the second generation of red, the second generation of officials, you have a noble red gene

And we are only the servants of the country, the mean ones.

Go ahead and do your Chinese Dream.

Whether it be emperor Qin Shi Huang or three thousand gong Dai's House

It's not our dream, because our dreams have been broken, tears and tears.

From 1949 to the Cultural Revolution

60 million people are either starved or killed.

The first emperor is no better than you.

Qin Shihuang still wants Jiangshan permanent, and you are not afraid of anything

In 1989, students simply called for freedom and democracy, and you were in Tiananmen with tanks to crush their bodies

It's something you can't even do.

40 years of reform and opening up, China became the second largest economy, you transformed into a red capitalist

Capitalism saved you, and you gave it a nickname called socialism with Chinese characteristics.

While indulging in extravagance, while leisurely humming the International Song of small songs

You did lose the chains, but they're hanging around our necks.

No!We're not going!No fighting!


We're not going to defend your red country.

What's wrong with losing?

Without a hundred years of defeat, we still live in the era of minion

Germany, Japan, no defeat, World War smoke is still in the air

Mao Zedong defeated, but our 100-year constitutional dream has been shattered

Our predecessors helped you defeat Chiang Kai-shek, but in exchange for retribution, endless disaster

President Xi, gather your children.

From the crazy casino, from the seven star hotels, from the strip club, go rally them!

They are accurate, powerful guns, fighting in the gentle country night

They won't dig your graves.

They never question your orders.

Your boys will defend your interests, not two men.

Hopefully, the guys in the bag don't get the wrong gun.

Hopefully, those guys who specialize in room surgery can still run.

No!We're not going!No fighting!


We're not afraid to die, but we have so many questions.

Why is the King's Empire protected by the United States and China?

The tragic counter-attack, why is the genocide of more than 2 million Cambodians demon Khmer Rouge?

A beautiful unified motherland, can the slaughter of 23 million Taiwan compatriots?

The wisdom of the two countries, Why want to put the tank on the streets of Hongkong?

Why did the beautiful Xinjiang become an open-air prison, and why did the Uighur brothers and sisters not speak their mother tongue?

Why is the Dalai Lama, whom you call the separatists, with a fatherly smile on his face?

Why did Liu Xiaobo win the respect of the world when you tortured him to death?

Why do you build the Berlin Wall of the internet with confidence?

Why did you preach religious freedom to cut down the Christian Church cross?

Why do you preach the rule of law to force rights lawyers and dissidents to televise pleas?

You claim to be Marx's followers, why can't weโ€talk " towards politics?

You claim to be the best technology in the world. why can't you make a chip?

No!We're not going!No fighting!


For 40 years, you have finally become the world's second-largest economy.

Your aircraft carrier is flaunting force in the South China Sea.

The Western media and the cynics you paid for are spreading your lies.

You were strong, and you pulled the veil over your face.

You are confident, so you have to dominate the world and go to the middle of the stage

But what kind of human destiny do you want to build?

No freedom, no justice, no dignity, party unity.

Is that Orwell's 1984?Is Hayek's "the road to slavery"?

Now, the world has seen what you are.

When the World roars you,

We're not going to stop the world's civilization.

No!We're not going!No fighting!


The slaves will not go to war for their continued servitude!

We're mean but not stupid.

We'll wait, for the day of the volcanic eruption.

We'll watch you melt your magma.

We have to prove that the Great Helmsman, the people's leader, is nothing more than a well-dressed man.

We have to prove that there can be no hope of heaven and eternal life on Earth.

We're mean but not cowardly.

We're going!To go to war, but the gun to you

We're gonna use our lives to get a vote for our children.

We will write the following text on the water of the Yellow River as ink on the mountain of Taishan at the top of the five mountains

All men are born free, all men are born equal, all men are born with dignity!