Anonymous ID: d29c9f Oct. 6, 2018, 7:07 p.m. No.3374432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4461 >>4738


When you realize Q and Trump wrote the Democrats attack and they forced the Democrats to use the exact plan Trump gave them you will realize how awesome the plan really is.


When you have all the dirt the NSA can provide you can force Democrats to play a role for you.


Allow your mind to expand.


We are in complete control and are using the Democrats own ranking system to destroy them. We have infiltrated in an exact mirror of how the Jew infiltrated the Masons and the Churches and any group that had influence or power. Think mirror. Think what the NSA has on these people. Remember they kept control of each other with blackmail…..imagine we had all that information now.


Its all true. We run the show. The whole show.

Anonymous ID: d29c9f Oct. 6, 2018, 7:12 p.m. No.3374511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4535 >>4669


I meditated and called one with blue lights that looked a lot like that last December. It was spoopy for sure.


When the truth comes out to be lies…..expand your mind and think think think.

Anonymous ID: d29c9f Oct. 6, 2018, 7:19 p.m. No.3374612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4696 >>4738


I could take you on a link parade and sauce your ass but honestly I am too tired right now.


But your welcome to disbelieve if you wish. It will come out some day and you will be able to say you heard it here first.

Anonymous ID: d29c9f Oct. 6, 2018, 7:33 p.m. No.3374852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4897


Sure if you say what we autist do is guessing. But that is what we do. We absorb masses of information and sift sift sift. And we have insights. Then when we go back and look for things that should be there if we are right and the things are actually there ahead of time.


I could take you on a point by point by point logic arc. Maybe I will try to do it tomorrow. Or not. Like I said though….on a place like this some times we are not guessing. Sometimes we are just the among the first to see what was always there.


Usually my insights are in how Q and his army of Patriots could pull this great escape off. I figure if they really dislike my train of thought they just shadow ban me for a while.


I think I have already pissed them off once in a while. But it is hard to know what they want out and what they dont.


At first I assumed if my weird ass could think something up then lots of geniuses had been there months before. Finally I realized that was not actually correct. Something is different about the way I think. Sometimes my brain just gets some wild thoughts. And usually they fit so well it is spoopy.


But this is the genius of Q. How do you know? I could be talking out my ass.


But I am not.

Anonymous ID: d29c9f Oct. 6, 2018, 7:41 p.m. No.3374961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4978



It is way bad for (((them))) because they are infiltrated on every level. Their chain of command is in tatters as people are attempting to get deals. They are using their own ranks in the Cabal to do favors and what WE want to get some kind of mercy even if it is delayed punishment or a negotiated living out their lives in some bunker somewhere.


Their communications are shattered. Why do you think they have sunk so low as to pass paper notes to each other like school kids?


Its all over but we are just playing out the cards to save the most normies. They can not depend on any order they give being followed without someone running to tell on them.


Luciferians number one drive is self preservation. They will not fight to the death for their beliefs….their beliefs dont believe in that shit.