Anonymous ID: aef005 Oct. 6, 2018, 7:52 p.m. No.3375115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5167 >>5173 >>5194 >>5224 >>5230 >>5451 >>5576

BREAKING: GOP Senators Receive Death Threats on Their PERSONAL CELL PHONES Following Kavanaugh Confirmation


Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as the 114th Supreme Court Justice in US history Saturday evening.


The Democrats, led by Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer launched the most evil smear campaign against Kavanaugh in modern times–and they still lost.


Republican lawmakers have been screamed at, assaulted and intimidated by unhinged leftists leading up to Kavanaugh’s confirmation–now the GOP lawmakers are receiving death threats on their personal cell phones.


Now they’re threatening to kill Republican Senators.


An unnamed GOP Senator told FOX News that Senators have had death threats text messaged and called in to their personal phones.


The Senator also said this is “unusual.”


FOX News reported: Colleague Peter Doocy rpts a GOP senator says senators have had death threats texted to their person phones. Calls that “unusual.” Also says some senators who flew home after Kavanaugh vote were accompanied by police for protection

Anonymous ID: aef005 Oct. 6, 2018, 8:02 p.m. No.3375283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5437

Kavanaugh v. Feinstein — Flawless Victory


Yesterday’s dramatic cloture vote to push SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh to a final confirmation vote is one of those political moments of pure victory. It was messy and it was tense, but the ultimate outcome was better than I could have ever originally expected.


Because it’s pretty clear to me that we’re looking at the kind of big operation run on the Democrats and the Soros Group to expose not only their tactics, the classic “Nuts and Sluts” shaming technique, but also in the process crush certain powerful members of the Democratic party which have been the conduit through which ‘the Resistance’ has driven our political process to the point of no return.


Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation was supposed to create the kind of uproar that would have Kavanaugh withdraw well before any of the dots could be connected by Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Chuck Grassley and others.


The rapid succession of accusers was supposed to overwhelm the news cycle with outrage porn and the Rebpublicans were supposed to fold like they always have in the past.


But we’re well beyond that point. I’ve been warning about this since Trump began rising in the polls. He out-Alinsky’s the Alinskyites and by doing so gives spine to the spineless and energizes a frustrated conservative/libertarian base of voters to go after these obviously corrupt, venal, power-mad freaks that run both the GOP and the DNC.


So, to me, it looks like some form of ‘operation’ was run on Feinstein and the Democrats here. That the chum that was Brett Kavanaugh — young, rich, white, successful, etc. — they couldn’t ignore.


Like flies to a bug zapper they flew too close to the light and were fried unmercifully. Feinstein knows she’s done.


This letter tells you so much about what is really going on behind the scenes.