Anonymous ID: d02ac4 Oct. 6, 2018, 8:47 p.m. No.3375903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5926 >>5987 >>5996 >>6282 >>6360 >>6456

On Division, Unity, and the JQ


All good peoples are under attack by an enemy lately called “the cabal,” among its myriad names throughout history. When we hear calls to unite, we must remember: We do not unite with our enemy, we unite against our enemy.


Neither do we, by "uniting," accomplish it by merging all cultures into a non-harmonious mass while particularly demonizing white cultures. Neither should we continue the enemy’s marxist injustices of open borders, forced wealth distribution, anti-merit education and employment, and consequence-free slander in media, entertainment & politics.


To those liberals, and to the current and would-be migrants into our lands, who would have the extortion of our founding populations and hard-working peoples go on forever, we say, No More. We will not lie down while we are ground to dust. We will stand. We will push back. But to any of these that can admit the error of the envy-based, terror-based, self-over-service policies that have brought the world to its knees, we say welcome to our fight, to the freedom and wealth it will bring to all nations and all peoples.


To those of every race, religion, culture and class who stand with us, we pledge to honor truth, right dealings, and national sovereignty for all. We will be good shepherds to our own, and good neighbors to tyours, to the fullest extent we can without wrongly pledging our children's future property or labor to any cause they've not yet had a choice in; because it is now clear that recent generations were tricked into doing just that to us, at the hands of the central banks and bloated global governments that form the pincer-like death grip of our enemy. For we are not only divided by race, religion, culture and class, but along age lines too. We now see that if we are to stand together across time, we must honor each other across time as well. We must preserve the traditions and good works our ancestors fought and died for, and we must strive never to take more from that inheritance than we pass down to our descendents.


But most important, we will never again put anyone's feelings above facts. We will call things as we see them, by any terms we choose, and we will be swayed from them by factual rebuttal only. As rational study and debate leads us to an increasingly clear picture of our enemy’s identity, we will speak its name without fear or shame. Freedom of speech began this movement, and it will see it through. This is why those of us that "name the Jew" do so. We know the facts, and those facts have led us to a crystal clear picture of an age-old recurring problem. The subversive usurpers among these people hide in the dark of lies as they siphon wealth from host nation after host nation. To this we answer by shining the light of truth on the responsible parties, and their methods, by name. We will do so boldly, relentlessly, and without apology. We will not rest until our nations are free from the enslavement enacted in secret via dual citizens and foreign interests in our governing bodies and key institutions.


Finally, to any persons of Jewish heritage who fear a frenzy of collective punishment, we repeat: as adherents of Justice, we do not punish individuals for actions they have not personally taken. But to whatever degree you wish to enjoy the rewards of a merit-based society, you will earn them solely by the right actions you do take. If you wish to continue enjoying special treatment as a member of your tribe, you will do so in a nation of your own, in keeping with the national sovereignty all nations should enjoy. No longer will you enjoy it at the expense of other nations and their peoples while denying them their natural right to open criticism, political recourse, and, if necessary, restorative military action.


If we are to unite in opposition to an enemy of biblical severity, we must do so with clear minds and in accord with natural law. Only thus will be our efforts be blessed by the Author of that law.