Anonymous ID: 0c5e2d Oct. 6, 2018, 9:26 p.m. No.3376376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6530 >>6543 >>6549 >>6572


>The usurper will be sent back to the sea and we will make Earth great again.

Damn right. Hooah!


>>3375926, >>3375987, >>3375996

Thanks guys. It's been a few years but I used to listen to Passio a lot. Good stuff. But I'm Italian-American, so maybe it's just in the genes kek.



In the middle of it now. Is good. Speaking of calling out usurpers, glad to see China finally getting its due.

Anonymous ID: 0c5e2d Oct. 6, 2018, 9:44 p.m. No.3376543   🗄️.is 🔗kun


All links LAST BREAD! Apologies, see dumb fuck-up explanation below. Woulda posted this alert sooner but computer is fucking up atm.



Apologies for posting b4 dough baker. I didn't even mean to post in this bread yet, thought I was in old one. Browser had crashed as I was posting, reopened it, came to newest bread, and didn't realized you'd baked another already. About to hit the sack so I can be avail. to bake @7a ET if needed, so I’ll just say…


TYB! G'night Anons! Enjoy your first night safe in the metaphoric arms of Justice K!


>>3376360 lb

>“we are divided by religion” and then attack Jews in very next paragraph.

The problem isn't Jewish religion, but the inherent nature of ethnic Jews. No, not every one of them, but our character and proclivities is largely determined by genetics, and these are a people that selected for infiltration and subversion over many, many generations. Ethnic Jews have been the historic enemy of ethnic Euros for thousands of years.

>May need clarification as to why the Jew ideas are a problem.

Agreed. The statement you read wasn't a treatise on the history and evidence of the problem, merely a statement that cries for "unity" do not include being barred from naming certain individuals and historic peoples should they prove by their behavior to be among the enemy. Jews are working very hard to try to get us to confuse this issue. But the goyim know. Don’t worry, the Anons here have “clarification of the problem” in spades. We’re here to shed light on the matter whenever needed.

Anonymous ID: 0c5e2d Oct. 6, 2018, 10:13 p.m. No.3376848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7054


>I wasnt sure about him at first but he has really grown on me

Same here. Actually, I liked him a lot in the VP-candidates debate against that weaselmate of HRC's, but then heard moar about his mebbe being deep state, etc. and leaned toward mistrust. This China speech was fire tho. And Q's talking it up indicates support.


Both Pence and E. Michael Jones are from Indiana, am wondering what Jones thinks of him. Jones is a prolific writer on culture & Jewish subversion from a catholic perspective, and really involved in/knowledgeable of Indiana politics. Here's a 2016 article where he mentions Pence.

Anonymous ID: 0c5e2d Oct. 6, 2018, 10:51 p.m. No.3377213   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm loosely paraphrasing from memory, but there's a saying that the mark of a good leader is to motivate your men to so well internalize the mission and values the leader seeks to instill, that they believe they are 100% doing it on their own. I think Trump leads this way. I think he was trained to lead this way by his own Dad and by Norman Vincent Peale, the minister of the church POTUS attended in his youth, known for his "power of positive thinking" doctrine. So yeah, I think that Trump has a way of making his men–those that want to be good–better versions of themselves. The MSM hates it, of course (kek!).


(Ack! What am I doing still up? Amped up on Kav-win fumes I guess)