Anonymous ID: 13dc21 Oct. 6, 2018, 10 p.m. No.3376709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6725 >>6749 >>6778 >>6829


Don’t need to.

All religions were designed to divide and control us.

The gods identified in some religions were actually ets

There is a prime creator but most religions don’t give guidance around prime creator

On purpose

It is my belief at this time the good guys in this battle are a faction of ets that values the existence of humanity - Jesus belonged to this same race.

Our enemy, a negative et race looks at us as prey —pure evil

Humanity, with assistance/alliance of other et races is fighting a war against this evil

We could not have pulled out of the control system without assistance. We could not have flawlessly defeated them without assistance. This is very much a “spiritual” battle


I’m skeptical of anything demanding we must bow down in submission.

Anonymous ID: 13dc21 Oct. 6, 2018, 10:35 p.m. No.3377075   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Use stormy to win over the left. Got them to trust him

He needed that trust to deliver a killing blow for later on

Divert attention away from ford with an over the top extreme accusation, which the media completely bought hook line and sinker as he had gained trust prior

Then allow this over the top ridiculous accusation be dismantled for a fraud. Gave Kavanaugh righteousness to clear his name from the crazy accusations. Diverted attention back to kav being the victim


Then take the media the entire Democratic Party down with him.

Have the fbi further corroborate the false accusations as icing on the cake.


Absolutely brilliant. They truly do have the enemy playbook and countered every move perfectly