Anonymous ID: 67e65c Oct. 6, 2018, 9:56 p.m. No.3376664   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



You didn't watch the Hunt for Red October did you?

You never learned anything from the time that Soviet sub captain

Fired at Ramius sub

And the weapon ended up turned back against him

And he was destroyed.

Anonymous ID: 67e65c Oct. 6, 2018, 10 p.m. No.3376718   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6733 >>6738 >>6812



Some Christian denominations

Have been infected by Nihilism

And even satanism at the high echelons

Everybody needs to learn the basics of Nihilism

Because the deceivers always try to dress it up with nice names.




the rejection of all religious and moral principles,

often in the belief that life is meaningless.

OUR ends justify any means


extreme skepticism maintaining

that nothing in the world

has a real existence.

only the narrative is real


denied the existence

of genuine moral truths or values

do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law


rejected the possibility of knowledge

or communication

you are sheep. Obey or die


asserted the ultimate meaninglessness

or purposelessness of life

or of the universe

we are cogs in a machine


Politically, Nihilism gave rise to Communism, National Socialism,

Fascism, Cultural Marxism, Democratic Socialism and Technocracy.

In the 1970's Technocracy, the design of the machine, became the blueprint

For a New International Economic Order


Our fight is against Nihilism in all its forms.


Many people have only a vague idea what Nihilism is and know nothing about the ideas which it grew out of. You have to start by understanding the basics of Social Darwinism and Scientific Monism. Then it will become clear how Nihilism has distilled these down to a pure philosophical ideal, and then the various political movements took Nihilism as their ideal and tried to design practical ways to implement it in the real world. Their political movements are only concerned with efficiency, with one best way, no dissent, and manufacturing of the narrative and of public opinion. It hardly matters whether they are left or right when they are beating you over the head and saying, obey us because we are right and you are wrong, we are big and you are small and there ain't NOTHING you can do about it.

Anonymous ID: 67e65c Oct. 6, 2018, 10:15 p.m. No.3376872   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6996



US President Donald Trump announced on Friday that he will be visiting Paris on November 11th in honour of the centenary of the end of WWI.

Trump who had planned to organise a military parade in November in Washington announced Friday that he would travel to Paris for the commemoration of the end of the First World War.




3 is birth - We saw the birth of the takedowns with Baker's explosive testimony. BOOM #1


11 will be destruction. [RR] and Muellers whole edifice crumbles to the ground in dust and rubble. BOOM #2


19 will be Surrender. On the 19th, the arrests will begin and we will see the perp walks. BOOM #3


27 is perfection. On the 27th we will see the PERFECT CONCLUSION to a Red October when the factory workers and the military do the same thing that they did in 1917, and take down the State. This time it will be the Deep State. BOOM #4


Q said look for the patterns

Look at an October calendar

3, 11, 19, 27 are staggered

One day in each week but one position further right.







That is the pattern. And the occult numerology

Confirms the pattern

We know the meaning of the 3rd and 11th already

And we just got a Q drop that suggests arrests will be very soon

Which fits with the meaning of 19

After the BOOMs, the drop of

3 Jun 2018 - 12:58:29 PM

Has 3 more lines


3 more weeks






The week leading up to the election

Will be one to remember

Two or three rallies every day

Humongous cheering crowds

And POTUS will be fired up more than anyone has ever seen him.


Then the week of the election


As the Red Tsunami rolls over DC

And flushes out the swamp


And then the week of Nov 11th


POTUS will be in France for the parade

Martial law will be declared

But that will not be known publicly

Until the actions are all over

However we, the Q tracers

Will know, And we can calm

A nervous public

Who see military rushing around in unusual places

At huge country estates

In exclusive apartment buildings

At airports servicing private jets.

Anonymous ID: 67e65c Oct. 6, 2018, 10:27 p.m. No.3376996   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Are you ready to see PAIN


Tell me, why is the domain name for


Perfect Alternative Independent Network

Still functioning when the content seems to all be from 2001?

One wonders whether some Intel group is using it

For some secret purpose

Involving a 17 year plan toโ€ฆ


I'm going to be checking that URL on Nov 11th

Because I want to be THIS


THIS ory



HIS ory




THIS is literally a part of HISTORY.

I wonder if THIS is also an acronym?