Anonymous ID: a1439c Oct. 6, 2018, 9:56 p.m. No.3376672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6718 >>6752 >>6791 >>6801 >>6818 >>6846

I hate faggot ass fake Christians that preach self forgiveness no matter what they have done.

That is no where near biblical.

Doesnt mean condemnation to regret something you did, it means sober minded self evaluation.


Oh woopsie I was having a bad day and got in an argument with my mom, tripped fell on his dick and now I gotta kill it.

Buuut God doesn’t see my sin He just see’s Jesus’s blood.

Olsteen made millions off faggots like you with the itching ears.

These are the same ones who come in here and get all sanctimonious on bewbs.

Listen I talked a girl into taking the day after pill once because she was a ho and I didn’t want to finance the next eighteen years of her cock carousel.

But that didnt stop me from bangin her.

I sinned period in multiple ways.

God may forgive me and I have asked and changed my behavior.

But that doesn’t mean I can eat, wipe my mouth and say.

I’ve done nothing wrong.

I think a little self loathing and regret is healthy.

It’s what evil people lack.

I like what that anon said. She didnt mean for her situation, and took an out that was what she thought was best and lived to regret it.

Good on you anon for being honest.

These SJW’s replying to you are why millions of girls end up feeling the way you did.

Thank you for sharing and may God forgive both of us.

But I will not forgive myself.

Other cultures know the value of shame and dishonor.

It keeps people from running nilly willy through life in self serving narcissistic bliss.

Actions have consequences.

Anonymous ID: a1439c Oct. 6, 2018, 10:44 p.m. No.3377145   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sounds like some Joyce Meyer BS.

>Its Pride blah blah blah

I took your advice and have forgiven myself.

I was repentant for like two seconds, said a hail mary. Now i’m good.

But my rant is over.

I don’t need you to agree with me.

I was in that camp once and learned that perspective is inaccurate through experience.

The old Saints understood what it took to get off this prison planet.


>Do not respond to this poster it is AI.


Bleep boop.

