Anonymous ID: 2bdd66 Oct. 6, 2018, 11:34 p.m. No.3377574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7629 >>7649

16:18: "Indeed, China is building it's own relations with our "allies" (& enemies).. Red October?

Q570… Q566…Q952… I get the feeling when it comes to orienteering, one must not only scan environment for details, but re read map to find details the mind filtered out earlier… still haven't found keystone, but the puzzle seems to be coming together, I think we may need to get some of the earlier Qs that were busting butt earlier to come back… Also, if sub pic was signifier, and signifier pushes Q, does that mean fire the memes? sorry, im slow and dont want to screw things up.

Anonymous ID: 2bdd66 Oct. 6, 2018, 11:41 p.m. No.3377629   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Q2349,17 periods, right after, Q. Maybe count the beats wasn't just a message for the recipient…I think musical theory maty play into this, but im terrible at musical theory. 432 hz? rodin coil, fibbonacci? this seems like the keystone is not in the works per se, but can be derived from the works… or am I alone on this theory?

Anonymous ID: 2bdd66 Oct. 7, 2018, 12:05 a.m. No.3377799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7879


Yep, i think we need to step up the offensive, no doubt, but what is the context of important to understand going forward? If the time between now and Midterms, or after…?

Hatred and dissention will heal may be a sign to not "spare the rod" so to speak, as the dmg done may be necessary, but… i dont know, i guess im being too…. altruistic. any Qanon memers, i think we need to stop using the emotional memes many have been using (as much as i love them), but going forward, we need to start piecing "news" to lead the sheep (real americans led astray) back…please if you can, turn the other cheek, but not the expense of the innocent. many think this is traitor vs american.

^ as in, left vs right, their opinion vs ours,but this is about WE THE PEOPLE. we need to keep redpilling, and the supply vs demand has never been better right now.. This has never been about R vs D, but Good vs Evil. the evil went deeper than i expected, but good kicked their… butts back so far… i dont know what to believe, ill say it, i think we are witnessing something biblical… this is bigger than autists/anons know. Not sure if we'll crack the code before hand (gut tells me no, "i won't tell my enemies where or how i'll strike" -Potus..(or something to that effect). Q has quoted both repub and dem prezes… Double meanings exist, Im taking as red oct is more than will be presented to us-…. (-ish)

Anonymous ID: 2bdd66 Oct. 7, 2018, 12:33 a.m. No.3377987   🗄️.is 🔗kun


man, i hope you're wrong, but i get the unsettling feeling your spot on… have i ever said out loud, i freaking hate war. i respect our 4/5stars, but i in no way envy them, thank you all Q team… May God watch over you all always..