Anonymous ID: 300aa9 Oct. 6, 2018, 11:29 p.m. No.3377527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7549 >>7622



Yah. We're supposed to like Lindsey Graham now because he made a good speech?


Do we have to have Lindsey Graham memes?


I feel this something like a bait and switch - we're expecting something good - like arrests, and if Lindsey Graham was one of the arrests, that would've been fine with me, he's not Hillary, not in that same class, but either way. And we haven't gotten the good stuff. We get - the Trump defense of 36 year old allegations of, I wasn't paying attention, maybe titty grabbing - were defeated with the help of the formerly odious, but now hero because speech, Graham. That's not some great deal.


We want lock her up and drain the swamp.


Not a perfectly decent S Ct, who got drunk and grabbed a titty 36 years ago, maybe, got in, like he should when you have the majority in the Senate. The GOP has 2 more Senators than the Dems do. And that's what happened. Nobody needed to do anything. If the GOP didn't get Manchin and lost Murkowski, Pence would've broken the tie.


And now we have Lindsey Graham memes?


Many of us don't like politicians. Lindsey Graham memes seem like cabal tricks to me.