If it's white and right, your hand is the rapist!
You really don't to know wher my imagination can go
By reporters? I should have expected them be out in force and outnumbering the protestersโฆ
Oh wait I get it, the reports WERE the protesters
nope. A massive boon for educrats. See U.S. Colleges. The reason we don't have them is the teacher's union. Too many poor preformers would get a pink slip.
Free markets?? They don't get kicked iknto gear because people have OPM. That's a disaster waiting to happen.
Oh rip the band-aid off.
Give people back their tax money, allow a write off from income before taxes. Give businesses and communities a year to get shite setup.
concernfagging duly noted.
Well their studies help them make some fine pizzas. So, there's that
You do.
Ain't never met an idiot who don't like bein spoon fed poison
Is that the LZ for the tongue?
Hey, teacher! Leave those kids alone