Anonymous ID: 6efc06 Oct. 7, 2018, 12:21 a.m. No.3377903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7913 >>7961 >>7985



This is right out of the play book. Thought I would shine some light if Anons need a little more light in their discussions.



By Col. Qiao Liang and Col. Wang Xiangsui

Published by the Peoples Liberation Army

Published in  Feb 1999 Translated to english in 2002. Used by many intelligence agencies yet no mention  in the US. The basic idea is simple …  how a country with a weak military can defeat a much stronger one. The tey discuss how large military investment is inefficient and limited. They also discuss how unrestricted warfare has no rules, no limits and little cost.


In the book it outlines warfare types to be used:

  1. Financial Warfare - Manipulate currency, Subvert banking and national debt.

  2. Smuggling Warfare - Flood target nation with illegal goods and people.

  3. Culture Warfare - Imposing others culture on target country… Sharia law.

  4. Drug warfare - Flood target country with illicit drugs… Pharma….opioid epidemic.

  5. Media Fabrication - Intimidate journalist, Fake news.

  6. Technology Warfare - Gain control over vital technologies. (key components and production.)

  7. Resource Warfare - Gain control over scarce resources (Gold, Oil…) Hamper development of scarce resources in target country.

  8. Psychological Warfare - Divide nations ideas of government and basic right and wrong. Divide nations unity so they fight among themselves.

  9. Network Warfare - Subvert international information systems….identity

  10. International Law Warfare - Join multinational groups and subvert their policies.

  11. Environmental Warfare - Weaken target country by altering natural environments, physical, economic, cultural, and social aspects.

  12. Economic Aid Warfare - Control target country by buying it's debt then discredit it by selling it off in bulk to create concerns.


Sound familiar to anyone?

Shout out to Batman and Robin! America's real super heros!


The more you know…