Anonymous ID: 728319 Oct. 6, 2018, 11:51 p.m. No.3377705   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

alright nightanons the rally made me think of this earlier, would it not be badass to really have TrumpTV, but beyond just unfucked news and all, into like a channel of constantly streaming War, Revolution & American badass movies.

always feels different listening to live radio then just pressing play yourself, the vibes we throw off & synergize with thousands of us watching the exact same rallies at the exact same timeโ€ฆ

just think it'd be fuckin awesome to be able to try to save Private Ryan together or put up Our last stand with Hal Moore stoned off our Patriotic asses.

just food for thought.


and actually on that note im gonna watch me some right now.



Anonymous ID: 728319 Oct. 7, 2018, 12:18 a.m. No.3377885   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7895 >>7905 >>7912 >>7919 >>7921 >>7927 >>7938


fuck you wanna see some shit go hang out on oahu after dark. fucking 6'4" linebacker looking motherfuckers with dicks swinging in cocktail dresses with fake tits.

go hang out anywhere on the "strip" or Chinatown after 10pm theres more trannies than real people combined. not just more than actual chicks. and if you fuck with tthem all these truck loads of inbred Hawaiian downsyndrome motherfuckers come out the woodwork, followed by the inbred "police".

I seen worse shit, more stomach wrenching ungodly shit, and violence, in that fucking hellhole than any horror movie, or any jail.

and they all prey on drunk military guys off base. its fucking insane. seriously. hell on earth for real people. rapist trannys by the hundreds. everywhere. unreal. even the cab commercials are 400lb crosseyed crossdressers I don't fucking get those dipshits at ALL.


they call themselves "mahus" or "mahoos" or however they spell it. none of the dumb fucks can even read anyway who knows.


fucking shapeshifters. makes my skin crawl.


if it wasn't for all the military and hidden intel bases underground there it should be sunk like atlantis.

Anonymous ID: 728319 Oct. 7, 2018, 12:30 a.m. No.3377964   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7988


seriously man. they would never admit it in the morning but a HUGE percent of our military gets literally accosted and assaulted, and worse in these shady back alley joints "legal" brothels gamerooms and drug dens, that they don't even hide whatsoever. people hand you flyers for shit you wouldn't believe. 20 year vets I know say its in their top 3 worst behind only Singapore and someother shit over in indochinaland . i couldnt even count how many ive saved or at least tried to myself just walking home from the bars. it sucked too could have been a nice place.


what blows my mind is I knew some SERIOUSLY high up military intel, navy intel, guys ended up on seal admin, logistiscs officers, clowns, unlableds, and no one gives a fuck. most bizarre shit on earth. like literally the center of our REAL intelligence and it's the filthiest scummiest fucking place ive ever been.

literally safer in tijuana or indonesia or the caribbean after dark that's on everything, I know first hand tooooo well.

guess its just like DC though really.


all that shit., plus whites getting "tuned up" buy truck loads of 400lb coconut niggers for sport, then the guns, it was time to go. it was time to go in 2014 really I just way overstayed our welcome.

Anonymous ID: 728319 Oct. 7, 2018, 12:33 a.m. No.3377988   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


70 year old "strippers" doing ping pong shows wihout enough muscle tension left to get anything more than a sad gooey stank ass driblle onto the floor. then start shoving a dozen live goldfish up there.


and dont even get me started on the micro-niggers. fucking hawaiians inbred with gooks or someshit and popped out these teeny weeny scrapy permanetly dirty looking pieces of shit.


really sad honestly. used to be a fun nice place with a fuck ton of nightlife by the beach.


now its a brown detroit ran by sex crime and drugs.

Anonymous ID: 728319 Oct. 7, 2018, 12:40 a.m. No.3378029   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


and to top it all off, Ive been let into some places I shouldn't and knew way more than I should and more higher ups than they should even let out in public, knowing that I know for a fact if some of Our team isn't operating out of places hidden under "farms" and what the coconiggers call "country", and these insane navy compounds with crazy views over pearl harbor, and up in the "mountains" with crazy star views, they are at the very least side lining a majority of work out of there, like literally that IS our intel superstructure 100%, and they just let it be a fucking 3rd world wasteland.

it's so gnarly its fucking offensive.

Anonymous ID: 728319 Oct. 7, 2018, 12:46 a.m. No.3378052   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8055


oh ya don't know how I forgot that one.


ive literally been in cook sites out in the sticks in the PNW


while were on the subject, I can prove, PROVE, the dea was and is involved in a a drug scheme and ensuing cover up in the PNW that would be frontline news from here to Beijing and the public outcry would force the closure or at least restructure of the whole organization.


If Q knows who i am, they KNOW everything i have ever said on this board from clown ties to sex crimes is 100% fact.


let that one digest for a while..


also involved are city state prosecutors and the ENTIRE northwest regional drug task force.


any bad actors can eat a dick, i still have a standing hit out on me in that part of the country anyway.